Saturday 13 August 2022

DRS Winfrith Waste working, 11th August 2022


68002 Intrepid leads the morning 6Z62 0103 Crewe Coal Sidings (Drs) - Winfrith Sdgs through Eastleigh.

The consist was 10 of the 4 wheel PFA wagons, those seen above are DRSL 92721 and DRSL 92779.

68007 Valiant (onetime 'Dotty' on ScotRail) on the rear.

A few minutes later, passing through Redbridge. Image by Ian Knight.

68007 at the rear. Image by Ian Knight.

68007 leads the late running return 6Z95 16:00 Winfrith Sdgs- Crewe Coal Sidings (Drs) at Redbridge.. Image by Ian Knight.