67026 Diamond Jubilee approaches Western Docks at Millbrook with the boat train from Glasgow, 30th June
Later 67016 was on rear of the empty stock to Eastleigh
59205 worked light engine from Westbury to Eastleigh for CE duties, 30th June
70009 + 70008 Wentloog to Maritime at Eastleigh, 26th June. Image by Ian Knight.
66118 with the ECS of the 'Torbay Express', Redbridge, 30th June
Monday 25th June: 67024 + 60163 5Z69 20:25 Southall - Eastleigh,
31465 3Q01 23:13 Hither Green - Eastleigh
Tuesday 26th June: 67006 5Z75 00:33 Didcot - Eastleigh, 60163
5Z69 05:45 Eastleigh - Romsey - Westbury
Wednesday 27th June: 31465 3Q02 01:42 Eastleigh - Hither Green, 67006 01:00 Westbury to Eastleigh (60163 remained at Westbury), 37038 +
47832 0Z37 12:00 Willesden - Eastleigh,
37603 + 37608 1Q13 16:03 Leigh-on-Sea - Eastleigh
Thursday 28th June: 67006
06:55 5Z57 Eastleigh - Salisbury,
5Z60 21:43 Salisbury - Eastleigh, 47812 + 47847
0Z47 10:30 Eastleigh - Willesden (47847 reported for hire to DCR - the pair worked onwards Willesden - Crewe one two three), 37603 + 37608 T+T 1Q13 18:03 Eastleigh - Romsey - Redbridge - Southampton Weymouth - Southampton - Lymington Pier - Eastleigh, 31465 3Q14 21:15 Hither Green - Eastleigh
Friday 29th June: 70013 0Z83 10:20 Swanage - Eastleigh - Swanage, 37603 + 37608 10:29 Eastleigh - Derby, 37038 0Z37 15:45 Eastleigh - Willesden,
47580 + 47760 T+T 1Z40 08:10 Saltburn - Portsmouth Harbour one two three, 5Z41 17:04 Portsmouth Harbour - Southall, 31465 3Q06 22:00 Eastleigh - Tisbury - Exeter - Eastleigh (via Southampton)
Saturday 30th June: 67026 1Z20 Gasgow Central - Western Docks, 66177 + 67026 5Z21 15:32 Western Docks - Eastleigh,
66118 5Z56 15:00 Eastleigh - Southampton DGL - Eastleigh (ran late, 47815 was not DIT in the train), 67005 + 67024 5Z40 17:05 Eastleigh - Chichester, 67024 5Z40 22:30 Victoria - Eastleigh
70's in use
70009, 70019 at start of the week. 70008 + 70009 on
Maritime - Wentloog - Maritime on Tuesday 26th. 70008 appears to have been under trial following problems in the previous week, however there were complications and 70009 led as illustrated above. 70008 further worked the Wentloog on Thursday and Friday.
70099 is coming to the UK from Turkey, but is not expected to be entering into the Freightliner fleet. GBRf may have interest, which may have increased after
66734 was derailed on Thursday at
Loch Treig. 66734 is the former 66402, and it looks like that it may take
some time and effort to recover.