Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Scottish Vintage Bus Museum, Lathalmond, 21st August 2016

A railway at Shed 47:

Fictional D2650, formerly MOD 250 (Hunslet 9045 / 1980) working with a guard's van.

Originally delivered to RNAD Gosport, from 1995 the locomotive was at Rosyth Dockyard, but never worked there, being offered for preservation in 2007.

MOD 251 (Hunslet 9046 / 1981), with similar history to 250.

& many buses - a full set is posted here.

Alexander (Fife) FRD199 Bristol / ECW Lodekka FS6G BXA464B of 1964.

Alexander (Northern) NAC147 AEC Reliance / Alexander NMS358 of 1960.

Albion Lowlander / Northern Counties BCS256C of 1965. I used to go to school in the UCS6xx registered batch, and these were truly awful.

Fife Circle workings - 15th and 25th August 2016

Seen at Aberdour, I did not observe BSO 9527 in use yet. 68007 was on the service for two weeks, but 68002 handed over to 68004 on the afternoon of Monday 22nd.

68002 Intrepid at Aberdour with 2K14 18:15 Glenrothes with Thornton - Edinburgh, 15th August.

68007 Valiant leads ECS 5L70 18:24 Cardenden - Motherwell, on the same day.

By the 24th the light was poorer, and sunset was 22 minutes earlier. 68007 again with 5L70 18:24 Cardenden - Motherwell.

Monday, 29 August 2016

"The last Holybourne Tanks", 29th August 2016

* Well, not the last, really - rather like the multiple "last Hamworthy Stone".

66194 0B41 06:51 Eastleigh - Fawley, 6Y32 08:24 Fawley - Holybourne, 6Y34 20:03 Holybourne - Eastleigh (for 6B41 0648½ Eastleigh- Fawley on Tuesday 30th) - is believed to be the last cycle from Fawley of the 'Holybourne Tanks'. There was no special headboard.

Formation of 10 VTG TEAs I believe to have been: 82749 + 82748 + 82751 + 82752 + 82756 + 82750 + 82204 + 82755 + 82754 + 82753 (most of these came from store at Long Marston for this flow, in July 2014)

The tanks have been reported as to be moved to Holybourne for further storage, with a potential movement on Wednesday in the same path.

66194 rounding the curve at Redbridge.

TEA VTG 82749 - part of a lot built by Procor in 1981-86, originally prefix PR for Procor then later CAIB.

TEA VTG 82204 is from an earlier build by Standard Wagon in 1980, showing construction and bogie differences. Originally built for Railease, owner prefix RLS.

A farewell glimpse.

IGas presentation (see page 20)

Simon Howard's retrospective page

TEA 82755 at School Road, Hythe on 18th August

Discussions: one two three four

2013 Waterside Rail Study for Hampshire Council: "The analysis has shown that for a relatively modest (in rail industry terms) capital investment, it is possible to develop passenger services plus three new stations on the Waterside line. However, the latent demand in the area, overlayed with existing good provision of public transport (bus / ferry) in the area, is not sufficient to support the service. Should rail services be a strong priority, one of the other public transport modes would need to be sacrificed, and that has a host of political ramifications associated with it."

Sunday, 28 August 2016

22nd - 27th August 2016

20107 and 20311 at Eastleigh on Sunday 21st, having worked 'The Buffer Buffer' on the preceding day. Three images by Ian Knight.

20314 originally was D8117 delivered in February 1962.

20107 preceded from Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns on 20th December 1961.

Sunday 21st August: 37254 3Z08 16:00 Eastleigh - Hither Green one two three; 20107 + 20314 at Eastleigh one two three four then 0Z20 18:35 Eastleigh - Peterborough one two three
Monday 22nd August: 66121 0B41 06:48 Eastleigh - Fawley, 6Y32 08:24 Fawley - Holybourne one two three, 6Y34 20:03 Holybourne - Eastleigh one two three; 442418 5O41 09:33 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 5O42 10:26 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one two ; 442403 + 442418 5O43 13:38 Eastleigh - Basingstoke one two three, 5O44 14:27 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one
Tuesday 23rd August: 66121 6B41 0648½ Eastleigh- Fawley
Wednesday 24th August: 45699 + 33207 T+T 1Z67 08:42 Victoria - Weymouth one two three four; 1Z69 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Waterloo; 442403 + 442415 5O42 12:49 Eastleigh - Woking (- Staines) - Havant - Eastleigh one two three four five
Thursday 25th August: 43014 + 43062 1X23 13:39 Salisbury - Redbridge - Southampton UGL - Redbridge - Salisbury one two three
Friday 26th August:
Saturday 27th August:

Eastleigh Works: 21Jun - 23Jun - 28Jun - 01Jul - 05Jul - 06Jul - 07Jul - 08Jul - 11Jul - 12Jul - 13Jul - 14Jul - 15Jul - 18Jul - 19Jul - 20Jul - 21Jul

Fawley Tanks - last run to Holybourne expected on Monday 29th and last movement from Eastleigh to Fawley on Tuesday 30th. Timings for Marchwood on Monday and Tuesday. However there are STPs set up for Tuesday + Wednesday as well (?).

442 railtour also on Monday 29th - outward - return

On Wednesday 24th, 37901 was removed from the Mid-Hants Railway for further usage by Colas, Prior to removal then 66846 + 37901 0Z91 13:37 Alton - St Leonards one two three four

With a Southampton twist - Leadhills and Wanlockhead Railway, 14th August 2016

A useful wee trip to the highest adhesion worked railway in the British Isles - only about 6 miles from the M74 motorway. From the end of the line, and wearing sensible shoes, it is possible to walk into Wanlockhead, the highest village in Scotland.

Scroll down for the Southampton connection.

Leadhills station. The standard gauge light railway was worked as one engine in steam, so the signalbox is a creation in preservation, featuring a set of Caledonian and BR standard signals. The box is clad in bricks from the demolished Rispin Cleugh viaduct. The train is ready for a departure - the coaches will be propelled for the ¾ mile uphill journey to Glengonnar Halt.

Clyde is in the platform road, with representative mining wagons in the loop.

Clyde No. 6 at Leadhills.

Glengonnar Halt situated at Hillend Summit, the highest point worked by adhesion on a UK railway - at 1498 ft (457 m).

The train approaching Glengonnar Halt.

Clyde awaits a return journey.

The Southampton connection is each of Luce (above) and Little Clyde, for these were the Edmund Nuttall Ltd locomotives in the Southampton tunnel repairs in 1983-85. Beyond is Mennock.

Clyde again departs from Leadhills.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

15th - 20th August 2016

Monday 15th August:
Tuesday 16th August: 47812 0M42 19:43 Wembley - Eastleigh
Wednesday 17th August: 66177 6Y32 08:24 Fawley - Holybourne one two three four five, 6Y34 20:03 Holybourne - Eastleigh; 442403 + 442418 5O41 09:33 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 5O42 10:12 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one; 4424xx 5O43 13:38 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 5O44 14:27 Basingstoke - Eastleigh; 66434 0Z68 10:21 Eastleigh - Willesden Brent; 45699 + 33207 1Z67 08:42 Victoria - Weymouth one two three, 1Z69 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Waterloo; 47812 + 442423 + 37884 5E42 12:49 Eastleigh - Ely one; 37254 3Q08 22:42 Hither Green - Eastleigh
Thursday 18th August: 66177 6B41 06:56 Eastleigh - Fawley; 09:16 Fawley - Eastleigh
Friday 19th August: 60017 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh one two three, 6E15 21:06 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe Trent one two; 20107 + 20314 0O65 19:50 Peterborough - Eastleigh; 37254 3Q08 22:48 Eastleigh - Basingstoke - Romsey - Salisbury - Eastleigh - Romsey - Salisbury - Basingstoke - Eastleigh;
Saturday 20th August: 20107 + 20314 1Z20 04:45 Eastleigh - Lymington Pier - Waterloo one two three four, 1Z25 23:55 Waterloo - Eastleigh

In the archive - summer 2001

08786 shunts at Eastleigh 10th June 2001. Now in storage at Barrow Hill, for past 5 years, under HNRC ownership.

37038 then on hire to Freightliner from Riley & Son, Maritime, 14th July 2001. Now under overhaul for DRS at RVEL Derby.

37602 was on hire from European Passenger Services, at Maritime, on 21st July 2001 but is now operational for DRS.

58029 was returning from rescuing a Class 57 to Maritime, 14th July 2001. Now in Spain as L44.

Seaton & District Electric Tramway, 1st July 2016

A set of images from the camera of Ian Knight.

10, constructed in 2002 - 2007, based on design elements from Plymouth and Blackburn tramcars.

16, a 1921 Bournemouth open top car 106 (3’6” gauge), rebuilt at Seaton between 1974 and 1991.

9, constructed in 2002 - 2007, effectively a sister car of 10.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Eastleigh Works, 12th August 2016

37884 amongst four 5-WES Class 442s, having delivered 442403 earlier in the day. This locomotive was new as D6883 on 7th November 1963, and was allocated to Landore. Renumbered to 37183 in March 1974, an spent a spell allocated to Inverness between April 1982 and May 1987 when it was transferred to Motherwell. Refurbished and re-engineered at Crewe as 37884 in June to November 1988. Stored by EWS in January 2001 and sent to Spain in August 2001, in the company of 37800. In Spain it ran as L34, returning from there in 2007, entering storage at Toton. Sold to Europhoenix in 2013, overhauled in 2014, and entered Rail Operations Group service in late 2015.

The locomotive is seen below in storage at Eastleigh on 10th June 2001, sandwiched between 33202, currently at Tunbridge Wells, and 37219, the latter now revived on the mainline.

4422423 was delivered to the works on 8th July, and has not seen subsequent use. Delivered from BREL Derby in December 1988.

66434 is now on the works for sound deadening activities in the cabs. This locomotive was delivered in early 2008, and for a while ran for Fastline,

Resident 47818.

8th - 13th August 2016

Monday 8th August: 66124 6Y32 08:24 Fawley - Holybourne one two three four five six seven; 6Y34 20:03 Holybourne - Eastleigh one
Tuesday 9th August: 66124 6B41 06:48½ Eastleigh - Fawley one two three four; 09:21 Fawley - Eastleigh; 47812 0O43 07:52 Ely - Eastleigh one; 442415 + 442418 5O41 13:51 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 14:24 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one two three
Wednesday 10th August: 66124 06:26 Eastleigh - Fawley; 6Y32 08:24 Fawley - Holybourne one two, 6Y34 20:03 Holybourne - Eastleigh; 66434 0Z70 01:10 Crewe - Eastleigh one; 66425 (+9527) 5Z68 10:21 Eastleigh - Willesden one two three four five (this combination ran onward to Motherwell); 47812 + 442407 5E42 10:33 Eastleigh - Ely one two three four five; 45699 + 33207 T+T 1Z67 08:42 Victoria - Weymouth one two three; 1Z69 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Waterloo one two three four
Thursday 11th August: 66124 6B41 06:56 Eastleigh - Fawley one; 09:03 Fawley - Eastleigh
Friday 12th August: 37884 + 442403 5O37 09:02 Stewarts Lane - Eastleigh
Saturday 13th August:

Eastleigh Works: 07Jun - 08Jun - 13Jun - 14Jun 15Jun - 16Jun

08954 of Alstom, was delivered to the works on 10th August

Recently viewed 20092 at Barrow Hill is understood to shortly be going for scrap - since originally writing this, it is confirmed as delivered to EMR at Kingsbury for immediate disposal. 20312 is understood to now be under repair, but 20304 joins 20301 as a spares source, 20304 being said to have a bent frame.

Southampton Maritime, 7th August 2016

70019 receives service attention.

Similarly, 66567 is seen the maintenance depot.

There are four pairs of stored FLA wagons visible at Maritime, minus their bogies, This stack is of, from top to bottom, 606167 + 606168 + 606148 + 606147, all assembled at Marcroft in 2005. These have been in this condition for a number of years.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Touax, Eastleigh Works, 11th August 2016

"Touax" appearing on more and more wagons, these examples being at Eastleigh Works. At the end of 2015 this French company acquired the assets of General Electric Rail Services (GERS) in Europe.

KFA TIPH 93310 was built by Rautaruukki in Finland in 1987-88 and carries a Tiphook Rail prefix. This company ran into some financial issues, with management buy out in 1996 into International Wagon Services which was acquired by GERS in 1998.

KTA GERS 97752 showing new contact details which are in the central business district of Paris at La Defense.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

New MMA open box wagons on Dowlow Briggs - Southampton workings, Eastleigh, 5th August 2016

66089 with an STP working a 6Zxx 18;45 Southampton Up Yard - Wembley working retimed by about 4 hours, and proceeding directly from Wembley to Dowlow Briggs Sidings.

Notable are the new DB Ealnos MMA 60m³ red open box cars, recently delivered from Astra in Arad, Romania. 81 70  5500 093-6 appears to have been delivered around May this year. The earlier numbers in the same series, up to 073-8, are coded JNA and are in storage pending working for GBRf, with some explanation here and here.

81 70  5500 152-0 appears almost newly delivered - from what can be seen it only arrived in the past month.
81 70  5500 083-7 was the tenth wagon, delivered in the late April to early May period.

1st - 6th August 2016

66720, Eastleigh, 5th August.

MXA bogie box wagon 950704 Eastleigh, 5th August, recently converted from BEA bogie steel carrier.

47818 and four 5-WES Class 442 units. There are five units on site - 442407/15/18/20/23.

Monday 1st August: 73961 +73962 1Q51 16:15 Woking - Weymouth - Eastleigh one two three
Tuesday 2nd August: 47812 + 442407 5Q42 12:05 Three Bridges to Eastleigh one two three four
Wednesday 3rd August: 73961 +73962 1Q53 10:35 Eastleigh - Wimbledon - Southampton Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton Yard - Eastleigh one two three four five six seven47812 + 442422 5E42 10:33 Eastleigh - Ely one two three four ; 60017 7O43 21:12 Westbury - Eastleigh
Thursday 4th August: 60017 7V98 03:28 Eastleigh - Merehead; 73961 +73962 1Q54 12:27 Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 37884 + 442420 5Q42 12:05 Three Bridges to Eastleigh one two three four five six seven eight
Friday 5th August: 37884 0Zxx 10:23 Eastleigh - Three Bridges; 67014 + 67018 1Y91 11:42 Victoria - Hove one
Saturday 6th August: 

Eastleigh Works: 01Jun - 02Jun - 04Jun

Holybourne tanks: word on the street is that the equipment at Exxon Fawley is at end of life, so this flow will move to road haulage  - it is down on the peak flow of 20 years ago, but is three trains per week of ten bogie tankers. The last operational train is expected to be on 24th August, with leg from Eastleigh to Fawley the following morning. This is the last regular working to or from Fawley Refinery. Recent workings: one two three four five six.