Monday, 31 May 2010

31st May 2010 - 30777 "Sir Lamiel" returns past Shawford with "The Swanage Belle"

Running 25 minutes late, 30777 approaches Shawford coming off the slow line having watered at Eastleigh.
A profile of almost 85 year old power on the main line.

31st May 2010 - 44871 trots through town with "The Swanage Belle"

44871 passes through St Denys with 1Z82 08:35 Victoria - Swanage. Image by Ian Knight.
44871 pauses at Mt Pleasant. Image by Ian Knight.
44871 passes Millbrook
Detail of the locomotive at work.
Heading away from Millbrook towards Redbridge.
Passing Totton a few minutes later. Image by Ian Knight.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

24th - 29th May 2010

66844 rolled out following repaint at Eastleigh Works, 25th May. Image by Ian Knight.
Monday 24th May:
Tuesday 25th May: 37603 0Z30 07:31 Crewe - Eastleigh
Wednesday 26th May: 66732 + 56101 0A56 09:20 Eastleigh - Dereham37603 + 20303 + 20313 + 20307 + 20314 0Z31 15:50 Eastleigh - Carnforth 1 2
Thursday 27th May: 
Friday 28th May: 66030 + 47815 DIT 6O15 16:04 (Thu) Mossend - Eastleigh (to work to Ashford for 29/5 with ECS), 30777 0Z77 10:34 Swanage - Eastleigh 1 2, 30777 + 54504 5Z77 15:19 Eastleigh - Swanage & Swanage Railway News Update, 66844 0Z66 10:20 Eastleigh - Ashford following fuel tank change and repaint into Colas scheme
Saturday 29th May:

Eastleigh Works 25th May

28th May 2010 - 30777 "Sir Lamiel" on DMU ECS

30777 shows its LSWR Urie heritage lines
Only DMU DTC 54504 (once 56504) was passed to make the journey to Swanage, and its partner 51933 remains at Eastleigh.

30777 was built by North British in Glasgow in June 1925 and withdrawn from service in 1961
56504 was built at BR Derby works, entering traffic in July 1960, and was withdrawn in February 1993

Sunday, 23 May 2010

17th - 22nd May 2010

47580 with convoy passing Redbridge, 18th May. Image by Ian Knight.
50135 with engine running at the rear of the convoy. Image by Ian Knight.
08873 marked for "Hunslet" at Maritime, 22nd May. 66581 in storage.

Monday 17th May: 67017 5Z52 01:00 Crwe - Eastleigh, 66085 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh
Tuesday 18th May: 47580 + 37264 + 45133 + 31271 + 50135 0Z97 08:15 Swanage-Kidderminster 1 2 3, 37603 0Z30 07:41 Crewe - Eastleigh 
Wednesday 19th May:  37603 + 37261 + 37605 + 37612 0Z31 15:50 Eastleigh - Carnforth 1 2 (another scheduled for 26th May)  
Thursday 20th May: 08873 reported for first time at Maritime
Friday 21st May:
Saturday 22nd May: 44871 1Z28 18:30 Weymouth - Paddington 1 2 3

Last week of Lymington Slammers 1497 and 1498

Sunday 16th May: 1497
Monday 17th May: 1498
Tuesday 18th May: 1497
Wednesday 19th May: 1497
Thursday 20th May: 1498
Friday 21st May: 1497
Saturday 22nd May: 1498 until 1497 on 12:30 departure from Brockenhurst from platform 1, 1498 returned to Bournemouth shortly after 14:30.

22nd May 2010 - Farewell to the Lymington Slammers

1498 leaves Brockenhurst with its last passenger working to Lymington, 1J25 at 11:59
1497 comes into platform 1 at Brockenhurst to prepare to leave with 1J27 12:29 to Lymington.
1497 crosses the bridge at Lymington Harbour with 1J31 13:29 from Brockenhurst.

So it is all over, written bids for the two units are to be delivered to SWT by 31st May. More coverage on FOTOPIC.

Fotopic galleries 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 from the guard for the last working
YouTube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 The End

Phase 2 3-CIG units
1497  DTCso 76764  MBSO 62402  DTCso 76835     from unit 1883 renumbered 11/1992, 1214 renumbered 09/1987, 7414 new 12/1971
1498        76773       62411        76844     from unit 1888 renumbered 01/1993, 1223 renumbered 08/1987, 7423 new 01/1972

Saturday, 22 May 2010

22nd May 2010 - 44871 passes Redbridge with "The Royal Wessex"

44871 passes Redbridge with 1Z28 18:33 Weymouth - Paddington "The Royal Wessex" on a retimed path following substitution for 70013 which is understood to have firebox problems. The locomotive watered a few minutes later at Southampton.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

16th May 2010 - 1497 works its last Sunday on the Lymington branch

1497 is seen working at Milking Pound Bottom and just north of Shirley Holms on the Lymington branch today, the last Sunday of operation with the 3-CIG units.

16th May 2010 - 66581 debranded and denamed at Southampton Maritime

66581 has been debranded and denamed (it was Sophie) at Southampton having gone into storage in the past week. In December this locomotive was assigned for a transfer to Freightliner in Poland, will it be heading in this direction?

Saturday, 15 May 2010

10th - 15th May 2010

73212 + 73213 in Redbridge loop with 0Z73 on Tuesday 11th. Image by Ian Knight.
The convoy from Swanage returns through Southampton, 11th May. Image by Ian Knight.

Sunday 9th May: 66015 5Z98 22:00 Stewarts Lane - Eastleigh
Monday 10th May: 66092 5Z28 12:23 Ferme Park - Eastleigh
Tuesday 11th May: 73212 + 73213 0Z73 13:35 Eastleigh - Motala 1 2, 73212 + 73213 + 56101 + 73119  + 3417 5Z73 17:50 Motala - Eastleigh 1 2 3 4 5, 66732 + 6376 + 321432 + 6377 5E21 18:55 Eastleigh - Doncaster
Wednesday 12th May: 73204 + 73208 1Q18 06:08 Woking - Southampton - Hither Green, 67029 1Z05 07:05 Reading - Weymouth, 37611 0Z30 07:55 Gresty Bridge - Eastleigh
Thursday 13th May: 
Friday 14th May: 67016 5Z40 09:47 Eastleigh - Crewe, 37611 + 20302 + 20308 + 20315 0Z31 15:50 Eastleigh - Crewe (20302 + 20308 to move for onward storage at Carnforth) 1 2 3
Saturday 15th May: 

Lymington Slam Farewell - 1 week to go

Sunday 9th May: 1497
Monday 10th May: 1498
Tuesday 11th May: 1497
Wednesday 12th May: 1497
Thursday 13th May: 1497 / 1498
Friday 14th May: 1497
Saturday 15th May: 1497

Freightliner Heavy Haul storage:  66547 / 551 / 552 / 613 - Crewe, 66544 / 546 / 580 / 624 - Leeds, 66573 / 574 - Dagenham, 66581 - Southampton Maritime

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Swanage Railway 2010 Beer Festival & Diesel Gala - 8th May 2010

The fourth of these events which I have attended, unfortunately amongst the poorer for weather and available light. Operations on Saturday 8th were disrupted by a failure in the morning of 73119 + 3417, leading to some chopping and changing of schedules after 18:00. 

These and many more pictures can be found on FOTOPIC.

Further coverage of the Gala 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Friday, 7 May 2010

3rd - 8th May 2010

47580 County of Essex leads the 0Z56 convoy to Swanage. Crampmoor 5th May,

Monday 3rd May: 66040 + 66150 6V38 11:39 Marchwood - Didcot including former Virgin coaches 1 2, 31233 4Q01 Selhurst - Eastleigh
Tuesday 4th May: 37706 + 37264 0Z64 11:27 Southall - Eastleigh, 31233 4Q02 20:45 Eastleigh - Bournemouth (?) - Selhurst
Wednesday 5th May: 47580 + 56101 + 45133 + 31271 +50135 0Z56 08:30 Kidderminster - Swanage 1 2 3
Thursday 6th May: 73208 + 73141 + 37264 + 73119 + 3417 5Z73 Eastleigh - Swanage 1 2 3 4, 73141 + 73208 0Z73 17:20 Swanage - Eastleigh, 31233 4Q08 03:36 Basingstoke - Eastleigh, 4Q10 21:39 Eastleigh - Three Bridges - Eastleigh
Friday 7th May: 
Saturday 8th May: 35028 1Z97 17:35 Weymouth - Waterloo 1 2 3 4 5 6

Lymington update

Monday 3rd May: 1498
Tuesday 4th May: 1497
Wednesday 5th May:
Thursday 6th May: 1497
Friday 7th May:
Saturday 8th May: 1498

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

0Z56 Swanage Loco Convoy, 5th May 2010

47580 + 56101 + 45133 + 31271 + 50135 0Z56 08:30 Kidderminster - Swanage loco convoy passes Crampmoor, east of Romsey, 5th May

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Oliver Cromwell returns to Poole - 1st May 2010

70013 Oliver Cromwell returns with 1Z73 "The Welshman" Cardiff - Poole seen here passing Crampmoor, to the east of Romsey.
Detail of the working locomotive and some of its crew, who were running a couple of minutes early.

Further information on the Britannia Class.

25th April - 1st May 2010

70013 Oliver Cromwell passes Lockerley with 1Z70 06:36 Poole - Cardiff "The Welshman"
70013 seen earlier at Ashurst
66024 on 5Z28 at Lee, 25th April. Image by Ian Knight

Sunday 25th April: 66024 + 66150 5Z28 12:03 Gloucester - Eastleigh
Monday 26th April: 37087 6Z26 09:30 Ashford - Eastleigh 1 2, 0Z26 14:25 Eastleigh - Willesden
Tuesday 27th April:
Wednesday 28th April: 66193 5Z91 19:43 Eastleigh - Hither Green
Thursday 29th April:
Friday 30th April: 66186 + 66193 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh, 67025 + 67029 1Z93 09:44 Victoria - Eastern Docks, 1Z94 17:44 Eastern Docks - Victoria
Saturday 1st May: 47245 + 70013 5Z70 03:22 Southall - Poole, 70013 1Z70 06:36 Poole - Cardiff 1 2, 1Z73 15:55 Cardiff - Poole, 47245 + 70013 21:31 Poole - Southall, 67029 5Z27 04:15 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 5Z28 23:30 Basingstoke - Eastleigh

Lymington - last month of slam

Sunday 25th April: 1497 - failed, replaced by buses
Monday 26th April: 1498
Tuesday 27th April: 
Wednesday 28th April:
Thursday 29th April: 1497
Friday 30th April:
Saturday 1st May: 1498