Thursday, 29 February 2024

458522 drag to Widnes, Eastleigh, 27th February 2024

57306 + 6376 + 458522 + 6377 + 975974 + 975978 5Q64 13:15 Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D - Widnes Transport Tech

57306 Her Majesty's Railway Inspectorate leads the working.

A closer view, from the Campbell Road bridge.

DMS coach 67722 of 458522.

TS 74424 has ribbon glass windows, as it was originally in a Gatwick Express Class 460. This coach will be discarded when the unit is reformed at Widnes.

57303 on the rear of the train.

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 23rd February 2024


66764 + 66750 T+T on the SITT train 3Y88 0930 Totton Yard - Totton Yard.

The first SITT wagon was YXA 99.70.9594.005-9, converted in 2011 from PERCH 979015.

66702 Blue Lightning was prepared to work 6V40 14:05 Eastleigh East Yard - Westbury Down T.C.

The first vehicle was Kirow 25 tonne crane DRK 81622, built in 2006, along with its runner VR 97409. The crane arrived at Eastleigh as part of 6X01, then was worked forward from Westbury to Cornwall, hauled by 59003.

A now rare YWA SALMON, DB 996627 (GR.Turner, Lot 3067, 1957-58), which recently has also been running with DRK 81622.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Class 70s at Eastleigh, 23rd February 2024

Seven of them in 3 hours.

70016 + 70020 4O14 06:41 Basford Hall - Maritime.

70814 being moved as part of 0O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh.

70008 running through platform 1 with 4M61 12:56 Maritime - Trafford Park.

70009, on hire to Colas, along with 66848 and 70814.

70015 approaching with 4O90 06:04 Leeds - Maritime.

70002 departing with 4M65 13:59 Maritime - Lawley Street.

Sunday, 25 February 2024

69010 makes its move, Shawford, 25th February 2024

After 69011 was not moved on Friday 23rd, 69010 was moved to Eastleigh on Sunday 25th as 0Z69 09:00 Derby R.T.C.(Network Rail) - Eastleigh East Yard. Originally scheduled to run via Westbury and Redbridge, it went off-piste from Kingsbury Junction, and arrived via Basingstoke. Expected to enter the paintshop at Eastleigh Works 0Z69 08:51 Eastleigh East Yard - Eastleigh Works Gbrf on 26th. It then dodged the paintshop, with 69005 entering the Works, and 69010 was allocated 5Q24 11:19 Eastleigh - Derby, but this was cancelled and then appears to have worked 0Z24 11:19 Eastleigh - Leicester.

Two pictures when approaching Shawford.

Saturday, 24 February 2024

19th - 24th February 2024

5909 5B39 10.01 Wimbledon Park - Bournemouth, passing Eastleigh, 23rd February. This unit was new from BREL York in March 1985.

Monday 19th February: 69008 0Z76 09;01 Eastleigh - Marchwood, 69008 (+ 701057)  5Q76 11:22 Marchwood - Eastleigh one two; 43468 + 43480 0Z43 13:07 Wembley - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day; 73962 + 73963 1Z64 19:50 Eastleigh - Woking; 37607 3Q09 20:16 Eastleigh - Waterloo
Tuesday 20th February: 69008 to Eastleigh Works
Wednesday 21st February: 73962 + 73963 1Q99 12:01 Woking - Laverstock - Romsey - Eastleigh - Marchwood - Eastleigh - Woking one two.; 37667 + 47810 (+ 6393 + 41166 + 41187 + 41160 + 6394 - three Staycation Express coaches) 5Z84 0836 Crewe - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 43480 (+ 43467 + 43423) + 43468 0Z44 15:43 Eastleigh - Kidderminster one two
Thursday 22nd February: 57306  (+ 458424) + 57303 5X62 09:09 Wembley - Bournemouth one two three, 57303 + 57306 5M64 15:15 Bournemouth - Leicester; 37667 + 37409 (+ 17013 + 3045 + 3122 + 80044 + 3100 + 3148 + 3125 + 1863 + 3107 + 3140 + 3330) 5Z85 09:46 Eastleigh - Crewe one Flickr for the day
Friday 23rd February: 66719 + 69009 0Z70 14:00 Eastleigh Works Gbrf - Eastleigh East Yard, 66782 + 69009 0Z68 22:01 Eastleigh East Yard - Doncaster Decoy
Saturday 24th February:

47810 is expected to be entering the paintshop at Eastleigh Works. It was being shunted on 23rd.

Friday, 23 February 2024

69009 makes its debut as 'WESTERN CONSORT', Eastleigh, 23rd February 2024

69009 has assumed the identity of WESTERN CONSORT, previously carried by BR 'Western' Type 4 Class 52 D1065 (June 1962 - November 1976, scrapped August 1977).
69009 WESTERN CONSORT poses outside Eastleigh Works.

08567 had earlier extracted 69009 from the paint shop.

A close view of one end of 69009.

The nameplate.

66719 pulled 69009 from the Works into the East Yard, 0Z70 14:00 Eastleigh Works Gbrf - Eastleigh East Yard

69009 is expected to be towed north later by a Class 66 as 0Z68 22:01 Eastleigh East Yard - Doncaster Decoy. 69011 is expected within 0Z67 15:10 Longport - Eastleigh East Yard.

Further coverage one - two -  three - four - Flickr for the day

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

In the Yards at Eastleigh, 18th February 2024


73963 Janice with its test train, which was failed here after the working on Wednesday 14rh.

66849 Wylam Dilly.


66766 Gail Richardson and 66722 Sir Edward Watkin  with 69008 hiding behind.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Class 37s at Eastleigh, 18th February 2024


37607 in the yard at Eastleigh. It had arrived on the Saturday morning, 17th February, from Basingstoke on a VST schedule.

The attached  test train was 96609 + 99666 + 72630 + 62384 + 9701.

37607 was new as D6803 from EE Vulcan Foundry, on 9th January 1963, later 37103 and 37511. Sold by DRS to Harry Needle Railroad Company in February 2017.

37409 Loch Awe was partially visible at Eastleigh Works. 37409 was new as D6970 in March 1965 and was later 37270. In 1985 it was converted with ETH to 37409 at Crewe, and sent to Scotland where it operated on the West Highland lines. Eventually EWS stored it serviceable in March 2003, and it was sold to EMR in January 2008. Shortly after it was bought by BRE for preservation and moved by road from Motherwell to SRPS Bo'ness in March 2008. Following BRE's failure, the SRPS attempted to preserve it, but it was sold to DRS and removed to Barrow Hill in September that year, returning to traffic in June 2010 and named Lord Hinton later that year. Sold to Locomotive Services in June 2022. A further example is expected to be turned out in these colours.

Saturday, 17 February 2024

12th - 17th February 2024


701002 on test at Eastleigh, 13th February.

66747 Made in Sheffield a Eastleigh on 15th February, with 4M19 11:47 Western Docks - East Midlands Gateway. Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 12th February: 73962 + 73963 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh Flickr for the day
Tuesday 13th February: 57305 (+ 458416) + 57303 5X62 05:24 Wembley - Bournemouth, 57303 (+ 458515) + 57305 5Q64 1321 Bournemouth - Widnes one; 73962 + 73963 1Q51 09:20 Eastleigh - Woking - Havant - Littlehampton - Fratton - Guildford - Woking - Eastleigh; 37607 3Q01 23:38 Woking - Eastleigh one
Wednesday 14th February: 69008 (+ 701521 + 701527) 5Q75 0921 Eastleigh - Bicester Flickr for the day; 73962 + 73963 1Q53 12:00 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard, 1Q53 18:05 Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh; 37607 one two 3Q15 22:46 Eastleigh - Redbridge - Salisbury - Redbridge - Eastleigh - Botley- Eastleigh Flickr for the day
Thursday 15th February: 37607 3Q04 2139 Eastleigh - Totton - Reading Triangle one
Friday 16th February: 59003 0Z16 09:59 Eastleigh Works - Westbury - Eastleigh Works, 0Z17 14:03 Eastleigh Works- Westbury - Eastleigh Works; 69008 (+ 701530)  5Q10 09:12 Derby - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 802011 5X80 16:38 Eastleigh - Basingstoke - Salisbury - Westbury 37607 3Q40 23:53 Reading Triangle - Southampton - Basingstoke, 3Z40 06:15 Basingstoke - Eastleigh one
Saturday 17th February:

59003 worked 6O41 from Westbury on Monday, entered Eastleigh Works, then was out on training runs for Colas on Friday Flickr for the day

66307 arrived at Eastleigh for the first time in traffic on Sunday 11th.

DRS Winfrith workings are reported to be concluded.

Friday, 16 February 2024

66702 with YKA 'Osprey' wagons on 6O41, Romsey, 15th February 2024


66702 Blue Lightning approaches Romsey with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh. 6O41 regular 59003 appears to be off to pastures new after a visit to Eastleigh works.

The consist was a rake of 11 YKA 'Osprey' wagons,.which currently survive as they were not replaced by the Wascosa FEA-W wagons.

The consist was recorded, with thanks, as:
DB  996381  YKA
DB  996408  YKA
DB  996932  YKA
DB  996323  YKA
DB  996433  YKA
DB  996319  YKA
DB  996595  YKA
DB  996305  YKA
DB  996449  YKA
DB  996501  YKA
DB  996639  YKA

DB 996381 (GR Turner, Lot 2894, 1956).

DB 996449 (GR Turner, Lot 2927, 1956-57).

DB 996639 (GR Turner, Lot 3067, 1957-58).

Thursday, 15 February 2024

In the Yard at Eastleigh, 13th February 2023


Both 08683 (above) and 08511 were shunting.

66780 The Cemex Express with the large box wagons for 6M26 08:50 Eastleigh East Yard - Mountsorell Gbrf, to pick up more granite for the virtual quarry.

66128 arrived with a short take of IGA Cargowaggon flats, loaded with rails.This appears to have been 6X03 03:06 Dollands Moor Sdgs - Eastleigh East Yard, so these may have been imported.rails from Austria

33.80.4736.030-4 was the leading IGA.

I believe that there are only about 30 of the OCA wagons left on the network. 112055 is seen attached to some track / S&C wagons. This appears to be the rake which was the consist of 6X24 09:39 Hinksey Yard - Eastleigh Yard on 7th, where it remained attached to YRA 979112. Later in the day it was worked to Hinksey and Bescot.UPDATE: To EMR Attercliffe for scrap, 18th April 2024.

The test train was the same set of coaches as 4 weeks previously, but with locomotives 73962 Dick Mabbutt (above) and 73963 Janice.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Freightliner soon after daylight, Eastleigh, 13th February 2024


70002 departing with 4O22 00:38 Trafford Park - Maritime.

66415 You are Never Alone makes its way forward with 4O18 02:29 Lawley Street - Maritime.

70008 moves away with 4M55 08:57 Maritime - Lawley Street.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Class 458 delivery to Bournemouth, Eastleigh, 13th February 2024

57305 (+ 458416) + 57303 5X62 05:24 Wembley - Bournemouth, following movement from Widnes the previous evening. 458516 was moved to Widnes on 12th October.

57305 leading the train through Eastleigh.

458416 and barrier 6376.

57303 on the rear.