Saturday, 20 January 2024

A test train, and a train under test, Eastleigh, 18th January 2024

A test train: 73965 + 977997 + 977974 + 72639 + 9481 + 73964, the same coaches as on 15th February 2023, to work 1Q54 12:55 Eastleigh - Tonbridge

73965 Des O'Brien.

977997, Radio Survey Train Test coach.


72639, Plain Line Pattern Recognition vehicle "PLPR4".

9481, support coach.

73964 Jeanette.

A train under test: 458423 + 458528 5Q90 11:19 Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D - Basingstoke, then 5Q91 13:20 Basingstoke - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D

458428 on the rear of 5Q90. This unit was moved north as 458528 on 27th September, and returned on 8th November.

485428 now leading on 5Q91. Current expectation seems to be that these units may work on Alton turns.