One that did not run as a loaded train, 66755 Tony Berkeley OBE RFG Chairman 1997-2018 0O01 10:05 Doncaster Up Decoy - Eastleigh East Yard, from where it worked the 6E15 return.
Information and pictures of motive power and rolling stock produced in the British Railways era
Sunday 24th July: 56081 (+ Class 508 barriers) 5O07 10:49 Leicester - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day
Monday 25th July:
Tuesday 26th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0O46 12:35 Exeter - Maritime; 43047 0Z43 1023 Eastleigh - Crewe one & more on Flickr; 56081 0Z50 10:00 Eastleigh - Leicester one two; LSL Mk1 FO 3091 (road from Crewe) and HST TKFB 40808 (road from Kidderminster) and TFB 40902 (road from Long Marston) moved from Eastleigh Yard into the Works, following arrival by road
Wednesday 27th July:
Thursday 28th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0O46 12:35 Exeter - Maritime; 800026 5X70 11:13 North Pole - Eastleigh (for crack repairs, understood out of traffic since April 2021) one two; 43251 + 43290 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Up Goods Loop - Salisbury one
Friday 29th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0Z45 13:30 Exeter - Westbury - Maritime; 800026 noted divided at Eastleigh Works
Saturday 30th July, :
Mk2 FO 3325 has been repainted at Eastleigh from the Virgin colours to blue and grey.
4 hours spent at Chesterfield, at the Tapton footbridge. An adequate amount of freight of different kinds, but no locomotives unfamiliar to the Eastleigh - Southampton area.
Starting here with a decreasingly rare flow of coal, operated by GBRf, running from Immingham to Ratcliffe Power Station, currently slated for closure in September 2024.
66799 + 69004 T+T 1Z30 08:14 Waterloo - Marchwood (Fawley not available due to cable theft)
1Z31 10:50 Marchwood - Southampton
5Z31 11:39 Southampton- Eastleigh
5Z32 13:50 Eastleigh - Southampton - 69004 again leading
1Z32 14:42 Southampton - Ludgershall
1Z33 17:20 Ludgershall - Waterloo
Five class 47s worked through the area on 9th July, along with Clan Line. Here is a further look.
Latest 47 news at End of the Line and The Class 47 List.
47 history at Class47.co.uk
Latest local gen and news at WRGEN and Wessex Rail.
David Kirwin - Simon Howard - Rich Sulzmann - Headcode 92 - David Mant - Notch Four Photography - Salisbury ASC - UK Railpics - Table 158 Photography - The Sulzer Pictorial - 71B Railpics - John Dedman - Yellow Van Man - Wetbag - Andy Picton - David Warwick - Ian Francis - RCTS - Links - Inter City Railway Society - Southern Counties Railway Society
Andrew Cameron camerar47@gmail.com