Saturday, 30 July 2022

Freight at Chesterfield, 31st May 2022 - 3: Infrastructure


One that did not run as a loaded train, 66755 Tony Berkeley OBE RFG Chairman 1997-2018 0O01 10:05 Doncaster Up Decoy - Eastleigh East Yard, from where it worked the 6E15 return.

66414 with loaded LWR 6M73 1050 Doncaster Up Decoy - Toton North Yard

66711 Sence with empty LWR train 6E20 1302 Toton North Yard - Doncaster Up Decoy

25th - 30th July 2022

Sunday 24th July: 56081 (+ Class 508 barriers) 5O07 10:49 Leicester - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day
Monday 25th July: 
Tuesday 26th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0O46 12:35 Exeter - Maritime; 43047 0Z43 1023 Eastleigh - Crewe one & more on Flickr; 56081 0Z50 10:00 Eastleigh - Leicester one two; LSL Mk1 FO 3091 (road from Crewe) and HST TKFB 40808 (road from Kidderminster) and TFB 40902 (road from Long Marston) moved from Eastleigh Yard into the Works, following arrival by road
Wednesday 27th July: 
Thursday 28th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0O46 12:35 Exeter - Maritime; 800026 5X70 11:13 North Pole - Eastleigh (for crack repairs, understood out of traffic since April 2021) one two; 43251 + 43290 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Up Goods Loop - Salisbury one
Friday 29th July: 47830 0V45 08:35 Maritime - Exeter, 0Z45 13:30 Exeter - Westbury - Maritime; 800026 noted divided at Eastleigh Works
Saturday 30th July, :

Mk2 FO 3325 has been repainted at Eastleigh from the Virgin colours to blue and grey

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Freight at Chesterfield, 31st May 2022 - 2: Aggregates


66774 with empties 4H10 05:54 Wellingborough Up Tc Gbrf - Tunstead Sdgs Gbrf. 

The rake was made up of Astra Rail built JNA wagons, like this one 81.70.5500.581-0, which is branded for lessor Ermewa, who funded a batch of 100. This flow supports the construction of East-West Rail. Otherwise, the wagons are like those on the Mountfield workings.

70014 leads a rake of 4-wheel PCA wagons as 6G65 09:19 Hope (Earles Sidings) Fhh to Walsall Freight Terminal.

The 4-wheel Presflo PCA wagon is understood to be a threatened species. The Moorswater - Aberthaw flow is no more, and the examples used from Oxwellmains were sent to EMR Alexandra Dock, Liverpool on 17th May. Above are BCC 10754 (BREL Ashford, 1981) and BCC 10875 (Procor 1981-82).

There were only a handful of the Metalair variant, this was BCC 11101 (Powell Duffryn 1984-85) followed by BCC 10829 (BREL Ashford, 1981), similar to those above.

6M01 1051 Tinsley Yard Gbrf - Bardon Hill Gbrf, returning empties in this Aggregate Industries daily flow.

The set was of JGA wagons, this was AI 27116, one of a lot of 22 wagons, with LTF bogies, produced by WH Davis in 2004-05.

66120 leading 6Z70 10:00 Dowlow Briggs Sdgs - Toton North Yard.

The wagons were mixed, but the examples noted were these HOAs, of a type formerly seen on the Somerset quarry traffic. This was 320065, built by IRS, Arad, Romania, in 2006.

66602 provides power for 6D17 11:48 Tunstead Sdgs - Elstow Redland Sdg.

369115 is a HIA wagon built by Greenbrier in 2006. This type of wagon was used on the Wool sand trains.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

18th - 23rd July 2022

47830 returning close to Redbridge, on its day jaunt from Maritime to Exeter and back, 21st July. Two images by Ian Knight.

47772 leads 1Z84 away from Redbridge, 21st July. Image by Ian Knight.

Sunday 17th July: 66415 0Z66 18:37 Alton - Maritime one
Monday 18th July: 
Tuesday 19th July:
The Hot Day - Network Rail Wessex suspended some service on the SWML
Wednesday 20th July: 69004 0Z69 08:45 Tonbridge - Havant - Eastleigh one (and then remained in East Yard)
Thursday 21st July:  47830 0Z47 08:30 Maritime - Exeter - Maritime one two three; 47772 + 47813 T+T 1Z82 08:45 Victoria - Weymouth one two three four five six. 1Z84 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Victoria
Friday 22nd July: 47749 (+ 360105) 5Q80 09:30 Cricklewood - Eastleigh one two47749 (+ 360117) 5Q81 1431 Eastleigh - Cricklewood one two;
Saturday 23rd July: 47815 + 47826 T+T 1Z74 07:10 Hull - Winchester Flickr for the day, 5Z75 13:16 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z77 15:49 Eastleigh -Winchester, 1Z77 16:11 Winchester - Hull

43059 has been repainted from Staycation Express green to Pullman Blue (but only labelled "PULLMAN")

Obfuscated headcodes on RTT and other feeds are being changed to only show the real headcode. 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley was showing on RTT in real format since Wednesday 20th.

Network Rail Wessex study into returning passenger services to Marchwood and Hythe

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Freight at Chesterfield, 31st May 2022 - 1: Coal trains

4 hours spent at Chesterfield, at the Tapton footbridge. An adequate amount of freight of different kinds, but no locomotives unfamiliar to the Eastleigh - Southampton area.

Starting here with a decreasingly rare flow of coal, operated by GBRf, running from Immingham to Ratcliffe Power Station, currently slated for closure in September 2024.

66788 LOCOMOTION 15 running south with 6M61 0800 Immingham H.I.T. (Gbrf) - Ratcliffe Ps Gbrf.

The wagons were former EWS / DB Cargo HTA built by Thrall Europa in 2001-02, many of which have already been disposed of with the reduction in coal consumption. The last in the formation was 310162.

66747 Made in Sheffield on a return 4E57 1103 Ratcliffe Ps Gbrf - Doncaster Down Decoy Gbrf.

This was formed from IIA wagons, including 83.70.6955.324-1, built by WH Davis in 2012-13. This batch of wagons has also been noted at Peak Forest in aggregates usage.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Diesel locomotives at Haworth, 30th May 2022


37075 new as D6775 from English Electric, Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns, Darlington, on 24th September 1962.

08993, new as D3759, from Crewe Works in October 1959.

08266 (BR Darlington, 1957) and D0226 (English Electric, 1957).

Sunday, 17 July 2022

"The Solent Searcher", Saturday 16th July 2022

66799 + 69004 T+T 1Z30 08:14 Waterloo - Marchwood (Fawley not available due to cable theft)
1Z31 10:50 Marchwood - Southampton
5Z31 11:39 Southampton- Eastleigh
5Z32 13:50 Eastleigh - Southampton - 69004 again leading
1Z32 14:42 Southampton - Ludgershall
1Z33 17:20 Ludgershall - Waterloo

1Z30 is seen at Southampton. Images by Roger Homan.

Then at the Brokenford Lane Footbridge in Totton. Images by Ian Knight.

66799 leads 1Z31 working on the bi-directional line from Totton. Images by Ian Knight.

Perhaps it ought to have been 'The Solent Scorcher'.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

11th - 16th July 2022


45231 Sherwood Forester running late past Redbridge, on a hot day, with 1Z85 1410 Salisbury-Eastleigh, 14th July. Image by Ian Knight.

45231 5Z88 17:43 Salisbury - Southampton, approaching Redbridge. Image by Ian Knight.

47614 (47853) on the rear of the train. Image by Ian Knight.

Sunday 10th July: 47727 0Z47 12:00 Wembley - Eastleigh one two
Monday 11th July: 47727 (+ 701030) 5Q21 07:55 Eastleigh - Ilford one two three four; 153385 2Q30 10:12 Eastleigh - Wilton one, 2Q32 14:01 Tunnel Jn - Eastleigh
Tuesday 12th July: 
Wednesday 13th July:

Thursday 14th July: 43465 + 43484 on Eastleigh - Fareham workings (a new combination, and interestingly 43465 was facing south on arrival at Eastleigh); 45231 + 47614 (47853)  1Z82 08:45 Victoria - Southampton, 5Z82 11:55 Southampton - Salisbury, 1Z85 14:10 Salisbury - Eastleigh, 1Z86 15:05 Eastleigh - Salisbury, 5Z88 1743 Salisbury East Yard - Southampton, 1Z88 1826 Southampton - Victoria Flickr for the day; 66415 0xxx 18:45 Maritime - Alton
Friday 15tb July:
Saturday 16th July:
66799 + 69004 T+T 1Z30 08:14 Waterloo - Marchwood (Fawley not available due to cable theft), 1Z31 10:50 Marchwood - Southampton, 5Z31 11:39 Southampton- Eastleigh, 5Z32 13:50 Eastleigh - Southampton, 1Z32 14:42 Southampton - Ludgershall, 1Z33 17:20 Ludgershall - Romsey - Eastleigh - Waterloo 69004 Flickr for the day; 37800 + 37901 0O86 10:43 Derby - Eastleigh one two, 37901 + (GC01 82221 + 82220 "TfW spares set") 5Z69 18:26 Eastleigh - Landore one two three (but went into a siding in Bristol, then completed journey on Monday 18th)

DRS seek to dispose of the remainder of their heritage fleet, ten Class 37s with a lease-back proposal: Rail Advent - DRS

37602, stored at Eastleigh Works is on the for sale list, along with recent arrival 37069, where it may be assumed that the repair activity is off the agenda.

Friday, 15 July 2022

Class 47 day, Saturday 9th July

 Five class 47s worked through the area on 9th July, along with Clan Line. Here is a further look.

47826 1Z47 08:23 Birmingham International -Weymouth, passing Eastleigh.

47804 on the rear of the 'Northern Belle' formation.

A few minutes later, 47826 passing Redbridge. Image by Ian Knight.

47614 (47853) + D1935 (47805) Roger Hosking MA 1925 - 2013 passing Eastleigh with 1Z80 06:09 Norwich - Weymouth

A closer shot of 47805.

Two views of this train then passing Totton. Images by Ian Knight.

47805 leads 47853 with the return 1Z82 16:36 Weymouth - Norwich, at Redbridge. Image by Ian Knight.

Sun in a difficult place when 35028 Clan Line passed with 1Z09 17:29 Weymouth - Waterloo, with 47813 on the rear. Image by Ian Knight.

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 9th July 2022


153385 (VIU3).

66509 4B06 1114 Maritime - Eastleigh, flats for weekend storage at East Yard.

66011 0Z84 10:38 Woking Up Yard Recp. - Eastleigh Trsmd

COALFISH wagons, which may have been used at the Fareham cutting activities.

Monday, 11 July 2022

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 9th July 2022


701018 has been receiving attention from Bombardier within the Works.

73962 Dick Mabbutt was failed on Thursday at Eastleigh Yard with wheelset issues, while on test train duties, and was moved into the Works over Friday night to Saturday morning.

59003 YEOMAN HIGHLANDER can be seen in the line of locomotives at the left, where the 37 at the far end is probably 37716. 73133, 319377 and 4 coaches of 442412.

43480 of Rail Adventure.

This appears to be 37602, the identifying feature is the plated over gangway cover.


12211, of set GC01, 701014, 701022, 701015, and recent delivery 701048.