Saturday, 9 July 2022

4th - 9th July 2022


47826 (+ 47804) 1Z47 08:23 Birmingham International - Weymouth, Eastleigh, 9th July.

Followed by 47614 (47853) + D1935 (47805) Roger Hosking MA 1925 - 2013 1Z80 06:09 Norwich - Weymouth.

Sunday 3rd July: 47593 + 47810 5Z61 13:58 Eastleigh - Crewe one two three four five
Monday 4th July: 73962 + 73963 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh
Tuesday 5th July: 73962 + 73963  1Q52 10:43 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton Barnham- Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Havant - Guildford - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Winchester - Basingstoke - Woking - Lymington Pier - Eastleigh one two three four
Wednesday 6th July:  73962 + 73963 1Q53 12:04 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard one two three four five, 1Q53 18:04 Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh; 153385 5Z20 12:55 Oxford - Eastleigh Flickr for the day
Thursday 7th July: 73962 + 73963  1Q54 12:09 Eastleigh - Tonbridge (73962 has a wheelset issue and remained at Eastleigh, transferred to works overnight 8th - 9th); 153385 2Q30 10:12 Eastleigh - Wilton South,  2Q32 14:01 Tunnel Jn. - Eastleigh - Winchester Baltic Siding - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 37510 (+ GC04 82230) 5Q86 10.20 Doncaster – Eastleigh one,  0M57 17:50 Eastleigh - Derby Flickr for the day
Friday 8th July: 47727 (+ 360118) 5Q80 09:30 Cricklewood - Eastleigh one two, 47727 (+ 360115) 5Q81 14:31 Eastleigh - Cricklewood one two Flickr for the day; 153385 2Q40 10:41 Eastleigh - Northam - Eastleigh - Southampton UGL, 2Q41 13:38 Southampton UGL Southampton - Maritime - Basingstoke - Winchester Baltic Siding - Basingstoke - Eastleigh one two three
Saturday 9th July: 47826 + 47804 T+T 1Z47 08:23 Birmingham International - Weymouth, 1Z49 18:36 Weymouth - Birmingham International Flickr for the day; 47614 (47853) + D1935 (47805) 1Z80 06:09 Norwich - Weymouth, 1Z82 16:36 Weymouth - Norwich Flickr for the day; 35028 + 47813 T+T 1Z09 17:29 Weymouth - Waterloo Flickr for the day

Eastleigh Works: 01Jun - 07Jun - 08Jun - 14Jun - 15Jun - 28Jun (includes Bay 2 preparations for Hitachi work) - 29Jun - 30Jun

37069 now understood to be authorised for wheelsets work at Eastleigh Works.

Concluding the work at Fareham Tunnel cutting: one two three

47830 has been on a B-exam at Maritime

4O90 06:04 Leeds - Maritime has resumed since 4th July, when another schedule stopped

Great British Railways HQ is not coming to Eastleigh (nor Milton Keynes), now essentially ER versus LMR - Vote and details - "We are expecting that the site will use an existing building – preferably publicly-owned railway estate or other public owned estate, although alternative proposals may be considered."