Tuesday, 28 December 2010

12th - 24th December 2010

Sunday 12th December: 67027 + 60163 5Z64 23:35 (Sat) Wembley - Eastleigh
Monday 13th December: 60163 5Z94 08:00 Eastleigh - Hedge End, 1Z94 09:00 Hedge End - Frant, 1Z95 16:22 Frant - Hedge End, 5Z95 21:15 Hedge End - Eastleigh, 66050 + 60019 0O01 09:03 Doncaster - Eastleigh, 60019 then shunting East Yard, 67022 5Z50 16:10 Eastleigh - Mossend
Tuesday 14th December: 66047 (or 67023?)(+ 67027) 5Z72 05:45 Eastleigh - Western Docks, 67027 1Z72 09:45 Western Docks - Edinburgh Waverley, 5Z72 20:45 Edinburgh Waverley - Wembley, 67022 1Z51 05:43 Glasgow Central - Western Docks, 67023 (+ 67022) 5Z52 17:00 Western Docks - Eastleigh, 67019 + 67020 5Z80 12:10 Salisbury - Eastleigh, 5Z81 15:55 Eastleigh - Salisbury, 1Z81 17:16 Salisbury - Southampton - Victoria, 60163 5Z63 10:20 Eastleigh - York NRM
Wednesday 15th December: 67008 + 67006 1Z53 11:10 Cardiff - Salisbury, 1X54 14:04 Salisbury - Eastleigh - Southampton, 1X54 14:56 Southampton - Redbridge - Salisbury, 1Z54 15:51 Salisbury - Cardiff, 67027 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh
Thursday 16th December: 43013 +43062 1Q23 14:00 Salisbury - Southampton - Eastleigh - Salisbury - Westbury - Salisbury - Basingstoke - OOC
Friday 17th December: 60015 6O26 10:19 Hinksey - Eastleigh, 6V41 14:45 Eastleigh - Westbury
Saturday 18th December: 31233 3Q08 23:20 (Fri) Selhurst - Eastleigh, 67020 + 67027 1Z30 07:45 Ely - Winchester, 5Z30 12:10 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z31 16:40 Eastleigh - Winchester, 1Z31 17:01 Winchester - Ely

Monday 20th December: 31233 3Q04 18:37 Eastleigh - Exeter - Eastleigh (turned back at Templecombe)
Tuesday 21st December: 08531 delivered by road to Maritime, 31233 3Q04 20:57 Eastleigh - Waterloo - Selhurst
Wednesday 22nd December: 66845 seen at Eastleigh Works in Colas colours
Thursday 23rd December: 67030 5Z31 03:50 Wembley - Eastleigh, 59005 + 59102 + 59103 0F59 07:15 Merehead - Eastleigh, 60015 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh 1 2 3, 60019 shunting at Eastleigh
Friday 24th December: 60015 6V41 14:45 Eastleigh - Westbury 1 2

Eastleigh Works: 27th December

Friday, 17 December 2010

18th December 2010

43153 at Redbridge, 27th September 2003
25235 at Bo'ness 28th August 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010

6th - 11th December 2010

158883 passes Crampmoor with a train for Romsey, 11th December - waiting for 44932 which did not appear.

Sunday 5th December: 60049 6N03 23:38 (Sat) Westbury - Redbridge, 6N03 08:00 Redbridge - Eastleigh, 66173 + 60049 + 66054  0X85 12:34 Eastleigh - Margam
Monday 6th December: 67017 5Z65 10:00 Hither Green-Eastleigh, 66130 5Z66 11:40 Eastleigh - Barrow Hill, 31459 3Q01 Selhurst - Eastleigh - Fareham - Eastleigh
Tuesday 7th December: 31459 3Q02 20:45 Eastleigh - Weymouth - Waterloo - Selhurst
Wednesday 8th December:
Thursday 9th December:
Friday 10th December:
Saturday 11th December: 67023 5Z48 Eastleigh - Guildford, 44932 1Z84 06:50 Three Bridges - Bristol appears to have failed at Merstham, before Three Bridges, 66845 en route to Eastleigh Works for Colas repaint.

Eastleigh Works 7th December

Saturday, 4 December 2010

28th November - 4th December 2010 - Winter Arrives!

67006 Royal Sovereign passes Romsey with 5Z66 ECS from Exeter to Eastleigh, 28th November.

Sunday 28th November: 67006 12:30 5Z66 Exeter - Eastleigh, (no sign of 67005 5Z91 14:20 Westbury - Eastleigh)
Monday 29th November: 47500 + 44932 5Z45 12:45 Motala - Southall 1 2 3 4
Tuesday 30th November: 67005 5Z21 10:23 Eastleigh - Millerhill (ran late)
Wednesday 1st December: 67005 1Z69 05:42 Edinburgh - Western W.Docks
Thursday 2nd December: FGW trains observed running Eastleigh - Romsey, Freightliner services suspended until Sunday
Friday 3rd December:
Saturday 4th December:

Eastleigh Works 2nd December (in snow)

47500 is now in Scotland T+T with 55022 heading for Dundee, where ScotRail cannot offer any reasonable service frequency, even in a thaw, because so many of their trains are unserviceable.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

25th & 27th November - 44932 around and about

44932 heads past Lockerley with the Poole - Bristol on 25th November.
 Passing Redbridge about one hour earlier.
 Approaching Shawford on Saturday 27th with the Swanage - Waterloo
A closer view passing through Swanage

22nd - 27th November 2010

66569 hauls through Lockerley with  4M58 09:50 Maritime - Basford Hall Freightliner on Thursday morning, 25th November. The locomotive failed at Grateley, rescued by 66563.

Sunday 21st November: 60049 6N02 01:43 Eastleigh-Millbrook, 6N02 08:30 Romsey - Laverstock - Eastleigh, 66054 + 66069 +  60049 0N03 14:54 Eastleigh - Wembley
Monday 22nd November:
Tuesday 23rd November: 60074 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh, 6V27 13:50 Eastleigh - Hinksey 1 2, 09201 removed from Eastleigh to Toton  by truck, 09022 is replacement from Cardiff
Wednesday 24th November: 67022 5Z81 22:26 Eastleigh - Hither Green
Thursday 25th November: 47500 + 44932 T+T 5Z92 04:00 Southall - Poole, 44932 1Z92 08:30 Poole - Bristol 1 2 3 4, 1Z93 16:34 Bristol - Poole, 5Z93 20:23 Poole - Motala, 47500 0Z92 08:33 Poole - Motala - Swanage, 67022 5Z87 22:03 Kings Cross - Eastleigh
Friday 26th November:
Saturday 27th November: 67006 5Z60 01:22 Eastleigh - Paignton, 67005 5Z90 04:15 Eastleigh - Westbury, 67022 5Z88 04:33 Eastleigh - Guildford, 5Z89 23:05 Guildford - Eastleigh, 44932 1Z95 07:50 Swanage - Waterloo 1 2 3 4, 1Z92 17:13 Waterloo - Swanage

66601/2/3/5/6 going into storage.

Eastleigh Works - 23rd November

23rd November 2010 - Ipswich - a slideshow

Freightliner 66's at Ipswich were same pools as seen at Southampton. 70001 was working 4M93 Felixstowe - Lawley St, and with 70003 is currently on regular workings to Ipswich and Felixstowe from Lawley St, standing in for Class 86's which themselves are understood to be standing in for Class 90's.

Friday, 26 November 2010

22nd - 23rd November 2010 - 90s at Norwich

 90007 Sir John Betjeman arrives at Norwich, 22nd November, 90004 is behind.
90015 Colchester Castle making its 09:30 departure, 23rd November.
 90004 and 90009 in the early evening, 23rd November.

21st November 2010 - Passing by Dereham - The Mid-Norfolk Railway

 In exile from Lymington, here is 1497, six months after the end of the Flyer.
 47596 Aldeburgh Festival
50019 Ramillies
 31235 (D5662)
 Five years or so ago 37219 was in storage at Eastleigh, now Shirley Ann Smith. 08631 on the left.
 A view from the level crossing at Dereham.
55009 under restoration.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

15th - 20th November 2010

37038 and 37029 on lease from Riley & Son to Freightliner, 14th July 2001. 37038 now working for DRS, and 37029 is preserved (for the second time) at the Epping & Ongar Railway.

Monday 15th November: 33207 + 37516 5Z33 08:30 Southall - Eastleigh 1 2, 5Z33 10:50 Eastleigh - Hotchley Hill (for GCR(N)) 1 2 3 4 5 6, 67025 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh, 73204 +GLVs 5Y73 10:35 Tonbridge - Eastleigh
Tuesday 16th November:
Wednesday 17th November:
Thursday 18th November: 67025 5Z29 01:55 Eastleigh - Battersea
Friday 19th November:
Saturday 20th November: 60049 Didcot - Eastleigh

Sunday, 14 November 2010

8th - 13th November 2010

67024 departs with the boat train from Western Docks through Millbrook, 8th November. Image by Ian Knight.
66504 and stored 08575 at Maritime, 13th November

08575 is a survivor from Scotland originally allocated in June 1959 as D3742 to Edinburgh Dalry Road (64C) then to St Margarets (64A) by April 1960 and upon 1965 shed closure to Haymarket (64B, HA) , my first noted sighting for this locomotive was at the "Edinburgh Rail Festival" of 24th September 1977 at Haymarket.

In the mid 1970s, the locomotive was still vacuum braked only, and it was overhauled in this condition (Design Code 08-0 DV, 90 volts electrics, dual exhausters) at Glasgow Works in August 1980, continuing to work around Edinburgh. However it was stored sometime between 1981 - 83, then briefly reallocated to Eastfield (ED) and stored, Gateshead (GD), and sent to Swindon Works. Conversion then followed to dual brakes at Swindon completed in October 1985 (08-0 EX), allocated to Thornaby (TE) 1 2, later to Neville Hill (NL) around 1992, and Tinsley (TI) around 1994.

It had reached Millbrook by 1997, and has circulated around the Freightliner locations. Reported at Bristol Barton Hill in March 2004 for TPWS fitting.

Monday 8th November: 67005 + 67024 T+T 5Z21 04:30 Eastleigh - Western Docks, 1Z21 09:55 Western Docks - Edinburgh
Tuesday 9th November:  67024 5O61 Wembley - Eastleigh
Wednesday 10th November: 73138 + 73107 1Q76 06:08 Woking - Southampton UGL - Hither Green
Thursday 11th November:
Friday 12th November: 67025 5Z94 23:10c(Thu) Victoria - Eastleigh, 73207 + 73213 6G20 05.10 Romsey - Eastleigh failed Laverstock, assisted from rear by 66606 from Maritime, brake problems at Dean, arrived Eastleigh by 09:40.
Saturday 13th November: 66018 + 66065 1Z66 07:30 Eastleigh - Thameshaven, 1Z67 13:30 Thameshaven - Eastleigh

Eastleigh Works: 5th Nov (33012) - 9th Nov - 11th Nov

Saturday, 6 November 2010

1st - 6th November 2010

60074 Teenage Spirit at Eastleigh, 6th November before working to Westbury. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 1st November: 67002 5O61 13:21 Wembley - Eastleigh
Tuesday 2nd November: 
Wednesday 3rd November: 67024 5Z67 13:30 Barrow Hill -Eastleigh
Thursday 4th November: 60010 7O35 06:05 Westbury - Fareham, 7V16 12:47 Fareham - Whatley, 60071 + 60009 DIT (failed) 6X01 10:17 Scunthorpe - Eastleigh, 60071 + 60009 DIT 0E15 21:06 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe (60009 is repair code N409 - 'machines')
Friday 5th November: 67024 (?)5M61 21:26 Eastleigh - Wembley
Saturday 6th November: 60074 6O26 10:48 Hinksey - Eastleigh, Eastleigh - Westbury, 67024 (?) 5Z76 19:55 Finsbury Park - Eastleigh

Eastleigh Works - 2nd Nov - 4th Nov

Saturday, 30 October 2010

24th October 2010 - a handful from the Great Western Society at Didcot

ROD 5322 (built Swindon, 1917) hauling vintage coaches on the demonstration line
3738 (1937), 6106 (1931) and 3822 (1940) outside the shed
4866 (1936) inside the shed, with 6106 behind
6998 Burton Agnes Hall (1949)
A King shall shortly arise - 6023 King Edward II (1930)
The rolling frames of Saint 2999 Lady of Legend in rebuild from 4942 Maindy Hall (1929).

25th - 30th October 2010

60009 passes Millbrook with 6V41, 25th October. Image by Ian Knight.
 ECR 66073 on Sandite duties at Didcot (with 66026 at other end), 24th October.
08604 shunting containers at Didcot, 24th October.
 43172, new in August 1981, at Didcot with an up service, 24th October
43056 The Royal British Legion, new from Crewe in July 1977, arrives at Didcot from the Oxford direction, 24th October

Sunday 24th October:  67002 + 67016 T+T 5Z76 23:31(Sat) Shenfield - Eastleigh, 60009 + 66051 0N04 09:54 Eastleigh - Westbury, 67016 + 67017 0Z67 18:00 Eastleigh - Bristol, 67022 + 67024 0Y69 20:58 Bristol - Eastleigh
Monday 25th October: 44932 5Z94 09:30 Eastleigh - Southall 1 2, 47500 5Z93 11:40 Eastleigh - Carnforth 1 2 3, 60009 + 59203 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh 1 2 3, 60009 6V41 15:55 Eastleigh - Westbury 1 2 367002 + 67022 + 67024 0M61 14:12 Eastleigh - Wembley
Tuesday 26th October: 
Wednesday 27th October: 66199 + 60009 DIT 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh, 66172 + 60009 DIT 6V27 13:50 Eastleigh - Hinksey (60009 assigned to Toton (N/184) 'Coolant Pipework, valves & joints' - was repaired by Sat 30th)
Thursday 28th October:
Friday 29th October:
Saturday 30th October: 60019 + 37516 T+T 1Z82 08:10 Waterloo - Westbury - Exeter 1 2 3, 1Z83 16:37 Exeter - Bristol - Salisbury - Paddington

66578 - 581 in storage at Eastleigh Works (now moved inside the works)

60019 passes Andover - 30th October 2010

 60019 Bittern passes Andover running late with The Cathedrals Express 1Z82 08:10 Waterloo - Exeter (via Westbury)

37516 was giving the late running train a push

Saturday, 23 October 2010

47500 - now and then

47500 on the rear of 1Z92 at Ashurst, 23rd October 2010
47500 Great Western at Haymarket, Edinburgh, 2nd April 1983. The 47 on the left appears to be one of the Gateshead allocated "generators" 47401-420. 47500 was a relative surprise in Edinburgh as it was then allocated to Old Oak Common.

18th - 23rd October 2010

44932 approaches Ashurst, 23rd October
A closer picture of 44932 in the dull morning light.
 73107 at Totton on 18th October. Image by Ian Knight.
73138 on the rear of the train. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 18th October:  73107 + 73138 1Q07 10:02 Selhurst - Fawley - Eastleigh (but returned from Totton as driver did not have route knowledge to Fawley) 
Tuesday 19th Octob,er: 73107 + 73138 1Q08 06:35 Eastleigh - Weymouth - Portsmouth & Southsea - Eastleigh 1 2 3 4 5 6   67017 1Z18 05:42 Edinburgh- Western Docks , 31106 3Q01 23.31 (mon) Selhurst - Bournemouth - Eastleigh, 20:45 3Q01 Eastleigh - Weymouth - Selhurst, 08933 moved by road Merehead - Eastleigh
Wednesday 20th October: 73107 + 73138 1Q11 04:50 Eastleigh - Lymington - Selhurst, 
Thursday 21st October: 66579 (stored!) 4M99 17:04 Millbrook - Trafford Park, 60071 6X01 10:17 Scunthorpe - Eastleigh6E15 21:06 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe, 08826 by truck into Eastleigh Works (Yeoman spares loco, moved from Mid-Hants)
Friday 22nd October: 66579 4O22 01:20 Trafford Park - Maritime, 44932 5Z92 09:45 Southall - Eastleigh, 47500 5Z91 08:00 Carnforth - Eastleigh, 67016 + 67019 T+T 5Z88 07:10 Stewarts Lane - Bournemouth, 1Z88 11:38 Bournemouth - Basingstoke, 1Z89 13:13 Basingstoke - Laverstock - Bournemouth, 5Z90 15:38 Bournemouth - Eastleigh - Southampton Parkway, 1Z90 18:30 Southampton Parkway - Victoria, 5Z66 66196 11:40 Eastleigh - Barrow Hill, 66579 + 66578 + 66580 + 66581 0Z90 14:30 Maritime - Eastleigh Works (for warm storage) 
Saturday 23rd October: 44932 + 47500 T+T 1Z92 07:52 Eastleigh - Minehead 1 2, 1Z93 Minehead - Eastleigh, 66051 + 66154 + 66145 + 60009 6O26 Hinksey - Eastleigh

Tug 60009 DIT in 6O26 Hinksey - Eastleigh, 23rd October 2010

 66051 + 66154 + 66145 + 60009 approach Shawford with 6O26
 60009 in closer detail
Continuing onwards to Eastleigh

Sunday, 17 October 2010

11th - 16th October 2010

66110 with a diverted 4O16 08:43 Ditton - Eastleigh heading through Romsey for Chandlers Ford, 16th October
66578 and 66579 have been in storage since December 2009 at Leeds, but have been moved to Southampton arriving on Friday 15th (579) and Saturday 16th (578)

Monday 11th October: 60048 6V41 15:55 Eastleigh - Westbury 1 2 3, 66166 + 66119 + 66005 + 60071 6V27 13:50 Eastleigh - Hinksey , 60074 0N09 Eastleigh - Acton
Tuesday 12th October: 67005 + 67016 08:45 1Z59 Victoria - Eastleigh, 1Z60 15:56 Eastleigh - Havant - Victoria, 5Z60 19:15 Victoria - Eastleigh
Wednesday 13th October: 60048 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh, 6V27 13:50 Eastleigh - Hinksey
Thursday 14th October:
Friday 15th October: 67002 1Y91 14:15 Hove - Winchester - Victoria, 66536 + 66579(S) DIT 4O07 20:20 (Thu) Leeds - Maritime
Saturday 16th October: 66517 + 66578(S) DIT 4O07 20:20 (Fri) Leeds - Maritime

Eastleigh Works: 12th October