Saturday, 31 December 2022

26th - 31st December 2022


15 years ago, their Freightliner lease at an end. 57004 (47347) went to DRS, and was recently being stripped for spares for GWR, at Crewe DMD.

57003 (47317) also went to DRS, but was recently sold to Locomotive Services, and was hired to GBRf in November to bank services in Liverpool through the leaf fall season.

Monday 26th December:
Tuesday 27th December:
Wednesday 28th December:
Thursday 29th December:
Friday 30th December:
Saturday 31st December:

Thursday, 29 December 2022

'Royal Scotsman' workings in October 2022


66746 with 1H79 1541 Edinburgh - Keith Branch Platform Gbrf, passing Aberdour, 3rd October. The later departure allowed for arrival of the Tour of Great Britain.

Four days later, 7th, the return was in pouring rain, as 1H84 08:00 Dundee - Edinburgh, passing Dalgety Bay. The set then worked to Hamilton for some TLC.

Climbing Dalgety Bank on 9th, once again 66746, working 1H79 15:04 Edinburgh - Keith Branch Platform Gbrf

A closer view.

Saturday, 24 December 2022

19th - 24th December 2022

67016 at Lee, 18th December. Image by Roger Homan.

Sunday 18th December: 67016 1Z61 08:50 Peterborough - Winchester - Southampton - Salisbury,1Z63 16:00 Salisbury - Southampton - Winchester - East Midlands Parkway Flickr for the day
Monday 19th December: 
Tuesday 20th December:
Wednesday 21st December:
 73961 + 73962 1Z53 13:00 Derby - Eastleigh one two three, 1Q53 19:04 Eastleigh - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh
Thursday 22nd December: 73961 + 73962 1Q54 12:55 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one two
Friday 23rd December:

47830 said to going to Eastleigh Works in 2023 for a G&W orange and black scheme.

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Inter7City, October 2022


43148 (+ 43149) 1B84 13:56 Aberdeen - Edinburgh, Aberdour, 3rd October.

43137 (+ 43150) 1A87 15:30 Edinburgh to Aberdeen, Aberdour, 3rd October.

43033 (+ 43141) 1A77 08:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen, Dalgety Bay, 7th October.

43135 (+ 43130) 1B80 12:07 Aberdeen - Edinburgh, Aberdour, 11th October.

43136 (+ 43026 )1B82 13:13 Aberdeen - Edinburgh, Aberdour, 11th October.

43130 (+ 43135) 1A87 15:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen, Aberdour, 11th October.

43142 (+43131) 1B84 13:56 Aberdeen - Edinburgh, Aberdour, 11th October.

Saturday, 17 December 2022

12th - 17th December 2022


66094 4O39 09:43 Cowley - Eastern Docks, at Eastleigh, 23rd November.

Monday 12th December:
Tuesday 13th December:
Strike day
Wednesday 14th December: Strike day
Thursday 15th December:
Friday 16th December:
Strike day
Saturday 17th December: Strike day
Sunday 18th December:  67016 1Z61 0850 Peterborough - Winchester - Southampton - Salisbury,1Z63 1600 Salisbury - Southampton - Winchester - East Midlands Parkway 

Eastleigh Works: 23Aug24Aug (includes 59003) - 26Aug - 31Aug

Class 701: First of £1bn trains to run in 2023, South Western Railway says

GWR Class 769/9  in the bin: "DfT have cancelled the lease for the 19 class 769/9 units as of April 23. The units will return to Porterbrook."

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

'Royal Scotsman' workings in September 2022


66743 1H84 06:10 Perth Dundee Loop - Edinburgh, at Aberdour, 16th September.

66743 1H84 08:00 Dundee to Edinburgh. at Aberdour, 23rd September.

66746 with first leg of the Tour of Great Britain, passing Aberdour with 1H89 1345 Edinburgh - Boat Of Garten, on 26th.

66746 now returning through Kinghorn on 28th, as 1Z75 08:00 Dundee - Chester. having collected 66743 at Edinburgh, two days later, the train ran through Hampshire.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

5th - 10th December 2022


45231 + 47805 working Locomotive Services 1Z45 at Eastleigh, 9th December. Three images by Roger Homan.

Monday 5th December:
Tuesday 6th December:
20096 + 20107 (+ 6394 + 41108 + 6393) 5Z43 10:07 Crewe - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day; 37219 3Q36 22:40 Westbury - Southampton - Westbury
Wednesday 7th December: 20096 + 20107 (+ 6393 + 41149 + 41187 + 41166 + 6394) 5Z44 09:47 Eastleigh - Crewe one Flickr for the day; 47830 0W45 12:27 Maritime - Yeovil Jn one, 0W46 14:33 Yeovil Jn - Maritime
Thursday 8th December: ; 70011 on 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street failed over the crossover at Redbridge, blocking it for over an hour. The train was eventually cancelled.
Friday 9th December: 45231 + 1Z45 0649 Shoeburyness - Basingstoke - Eastleigh - Fareham - Chichester, 1Z48 1650 Chichester - Fratton - Fareham - Eastleigh - Basingstoke - Shoeburyness Flickr for the day47830 0W45 12:27 Maritime - Yeovil Jn one, 0W46 14:44 Yeovil Jn - Maritime
Saturday 10th December: 

The path for Hamworthy stone trains is re-established from 12th, while work on the branch is understood to be close to completion.
 - 7O51 0454 Westbury Tarmac to Hamworthy B.C.I - SSuX - 12/12/2022 to 19/05/2023 - but timed for Class 7, where the JYA wagons have recently been displaced
 - no return 7V52 path yet in system

Freightliner have placed 66552, 66599 and 70015 into storage pool DHLT. 66552 does not seem to have worked since February 2021, but 66599 and 70015 were active into November.

Saturday, 3 December 2022

28th November - 3rd December 2022


69007 (formerly 56037) runs from Eastleigh East Yard to the Works, 30th November. LMS Black ??? Image by Roger Homan

Monday 28th November:
Tuesday 29th November: [69002 was moved from Longport to Trafford Park]
Wednesday 30th November: 66761 + 69007 DIT 4O46 03:10 Trafford Park -Western Docks one two three four - 69007 detached at Eastleigh East Yard, and later tripped to the Works
Thursday 1st December:
Friday 2nd December:
Saturday 3rd December:

 - 4L80 00:23 Southampton M.C.T. - London Gateway Frghtliner on Saturdays
 - 4O50 10:47 London Gateway Frghtliner - Southampton M.C.T.

Riviera's Mk 1 coaches, formerly of Eastleigh Works, are reported to only have the Class 56 tour next year remaining, for main line usage.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

'Northern Belle' ECS to Eastleigh, 23rd November 2022


57313 Scarborough Castle leading late running 5Z12 13:12 Winchester - Eastleigh.

The first coach was E325E AMBER.

47832 on the rear.

The train worked around the depot loop, with 57313 working it in both directions.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Afternoon Freight, Romsey, 22nd November 2022


66510 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street. The brake pipe (?) between the headlights may be unique to this locomotive.

66721 Harry Beck 6V41 14:48 Eastleigh - Westbury.

OCA wagons are becoming rarer, but 8 in this train. The first was 112192.

The last was 112375.

Monday, 28 November 2022

Aggregates watching, week of 21st November 2022

No particular news, but one wagon observed from the most recent group delivered to Merehead earlier in the month.

Romsey, 22nd November

66604 working 6V62 13:21 Up Yard  - Whatley. The train was a mix of Marcroft 2000-01 and Greenbrier JNAs, 81.70.5932.482-9 and 487-8 as a blue pair.

66514 passing with 6V07 13:41 Chichester - Merehead. An all Greenbrier JNA rake with one exception.

Nearest blue wagon was 81.70.5932.604-8, my first noted from the 581-610 batch. which arrived at Merehead on 4th November.

1998 Marcroft JNA VTG 3408 was riding along at the rear.

Eastleigh, 23rd November

66570 6V62 1321 Up Yard - Whatley. a short all-Greenbrier JNA rake, the same two blue wagons as on the previous day.

Romsey, 24th November

66570 7V16 12:07 Fareham - Whatley. Ran as Class 7, but with no O&K JYA wagons.

There were 4 blue JNA wagons in what was mostly a Greenbrier rake, with the addition of this pair of Marcroft 1998 JNAs on the rear, VTG 3404 and (nearer) 3457, these being two of four recently noted as a group on Whatley trains.

66415 You are Never Alone, 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley. The formation was of both Greenbrier and Marcroft 2000-01 JNAs, 81.70.5932.482-9 and 487-8 being the same blue pair as on the two preceding days.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Test trains at Eastleigh, 23rd November 2022


37421 was the motive power for an Ultrasonic Test Train.

62287  Ultrasonic Test Train coach - UTU2. This was the MBSO in Class 421 4-CIG 1303 (previously 1816, 1237 and 7337 built in 1970).

9808 is on hire from Eastern Rail Services. Reconfigured in 2000 for Caledonian Sleeper usage from Mk2e TSO 5871 of January 1973.

6117 was recently converted at Cardiff from a DRS Mk2f TSO, which saw service on the Fife Circle, and before that was in the Wessex Trains pink set.

A further view of 37421 across the platforms.

73961 and 73965 with the regular monthly train, which was not coming out to play, resuming later in the afternoon.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

21st to 26th November 2022

08567 and 323 539-7 remove 450042 from the Works, 23rd November. The emu later worked to Northam, having completed a Siemens overhaul, started on 8th.

The parapets of Campbell Road bridge have received a coat of primer, 23rd November.

08629 at the station at Eastleigh, 23rd November.

701049 5Q51 11:15 Waterloo - Staines Up Loop, 23rd November.

Monday 21st November: 73961 + 73965 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh
Tuesday 22nd November: 73961 + 73965 1Q52 10:45 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Barnham- Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Havant - Guildford - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Winchester - Basingstoke - Woking - Lymington Pier - Eastleigh cancelled due to a problem with the train ; 37421 3Q01 18:12 Woking - Eastleigh
Wednesday 23rd November: 73961 + 73965 1Q53 12:13 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard cancelled due to a request by the train operator, 1Q53 17:11 Eastleigh - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh ; 47832 + 57313 T+T 1Z11 06:53 Nottingham - Winchester, 5Z12 1312 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z13 16:48 Eastleigh - Winchester, 1Z13 17:11 Winchester - Nottingham Flickr for the day; 37421 3Q02 21:43 Eastleigh - Weymouth - Fareham - Fratton - St Denys - Eastleigh one
Thursday 24th November: 73961 + 73965 1Q52 10:45 Eastleigh -Fareham - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Portsmouth Harbour - Guildford - Portsmouth Harbour - Fareham - Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 37421 3Q04 21:14 Eastleigh - Totton - Reading Triangle one
Friday 25th November: 67021 1Z50 10:07 Victoria - Winchester one, 5Z50 12:29 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z51 16:36 Eastleigh - Winchester, 1Z51 1712 Winchester - Victoria
Saturday 26th November: 

Wednesday was not a good day. A Windhoff MPV operating RHTT 3S82 06:11 Totton Yard - Totton Yard struck a tree near East Grimsetad, about 06:42, while working towards Salisbury. There were no trains in the area for several hours, then limited in Salisbury - Romsey direction, including 0O41 Westbury - Eastleigh. A signal fault in the Fareham area interrupted services as well.

Mk 2A BFK 17080 appeared to be in the scrap road at Eastleigh Works, on 23rd.

The Grangemouth - Sinfin aviation fuel tanks last ran in June, being replaced with a GBRf operated flow from the Isle of Grain (said to be Sustainable Aviation Fuel imported from the Netherlands). a rake of 10 tanks was removed by 66562 as 6Z88 from Grangemouth to Basford Hall on 21st, in what appears to be the first leg of a disposal process. There were 10 wagons, 9 of which were those maintained at Eastleigh in early 2021 + 78205. The wagons appear to have moved to Hunslet on 23rd and to Gascoigne Wood on 25th.

69007 expected Longport - Eastleigh Tuesday 29th - move within 4O46 03:10 Trafford Pk Euro Tml Gbrf - Southampton W Docks (Gbrf) on morning of Wednesday 30th (could be extracted in 20 minutes at Eastleigh East Yard?)