Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Southampton Maritime, 29th June 2021

66571 had arrived on 4O03 from Lawley Street on 28th, and was now forming up 4M65 for Lawley Street.

70014 had arrived 4O22 from Trafford Park, and later returned there on 4M61.

66508 had arrived on 4O18 from Lawley Street.

66713 Forest City passed with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh.

The last pair of wagons were FCAs 610133 (shown above) + 610134, formerly container flats.

66539 arriving with 4O15 06:44 Lawley Street - Maritime.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Avanti Pendos at Scout Green, 14th June 2021

My first coverage of the West Coast Main Line since a visit to Tamworth before the first lockdown. It now appears that most, if not all, of the Avanti West Coast Class 390 fleet has been vinyled in the new fleet livery.

390132 1M11 10:40 Glasgow Central - London Euston.

390115 Alison 1S48 09:10 London Euston - Glasgow Central.

390126 9M54 10:52 Edinburgh - London Euston.

390137 1S52 10:10 London Euston - Glasgow Central.

Monday, 28 June 2021

Romsey, 25th June 2021

I arrived at Romsey station to find the service in disarray, SWR were advising that a tree had fallen on the line, and 2S35 13:07 Romsey to Salisbury was held in section towards Dunbridge. There were chain saw noises in the distance. Up services, from Salisbury, resumed first, then the Down line, where 4M65 was 114 minutes late passing the station, having been held on the edge of town near to the allotments and the Rapids. Romsey Rocket services had a gap through cancellations. A pair of Portsmouth - Cardiff trains were joined together at Southampton, and proceeded as a 10 car dmu, although the rear coaches could not be in use, as they exceeded the platform length.

66515 passes with the much delayed 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street.

10 coach 165131 + 166206 + 165134 + 166213 coupled up with preceding 1F20 and working as 1F22 14:23 Portsmouth Harbour - Newport, where the working was terminated.

59103 working 7V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead, with the eight wagons left behind the previous day.

66565 passing with 4O57 13:29 Wentloog - Maritime ...

... where the first KTA wagon was GERS 97764.

59204 followed with 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh,

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Dunbridge, 24th June 2021

66617 7V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley.

66591 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street.

66524 with a short 6 wagon formation on 7V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead, the other 8 were left behind, and collected on Friday.

21st - 26th June 2021

73201 Broadlands (+ 442420) + 73119 + 66703 5W97 17:59 Eastleigh East Yard - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D, passing Redbridge, 20th June. These returned after dark with 442408, for forwarding to Wolverton on 21st. '92' is / was "Waterloo - Weymouth via Eastleigh (semi fast)"

Sunday 20th June: 458520 + 458527 5B39 07:50 Wolverton - Bournemouth (for 4 car reconfiguration?) one two; 61306 1Z29 08:19 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour (added 31806 T+T from Eastleigh), 31806 0Z31 08:30 Swanage - Eastleigh, 31806 + 61306 T+T 1Z31 13:45 Portsmouth & Southsea - Brockenhurst, 1Z32 16:00 Brockenhurst - Portsmouth & Southsea, 1Z33 19:22 Portsmouth Harbour - Paddington (31806 off at Eastleigh), 31806 0Z34 20:42 Eastleigh - Romsey - Southampton - Swanage - coverage for the day; 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 + 66703 5W97 17:59 Eastleigh - Bournemouth one two three four, 66703 + 73119 (+ 442408 + 442420) + 73201 5Y97 2138 Bournemouth - Eastleigh
Monday 21st June: 66703 + 73119 (+ 442408 + 442420) + 73201 5Q81 05:55 Eastleigh - Wolverton one two three four five six seven eight, 66703 + 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 5Q85 13:02 Wolverton - Eastleigh one two three; 37611 +  360121 5Q86 04:10 Cricklewood - Eastleigh Works (for refurb and repaint) one two three four five, 37611 0M57 09:11 Eastleigh - Derby one
Tuesday 22nd June: 73201 (+ 442420) + 73141 + 66711 5W97 18:37 Eastleigh - Bournemouth. 66711 + 73141 (+ 442411 + 442420) + 73201 5Y97 22:05 Bournemouth - Eastleigh
Wednesday 23rd June: 66711 + 73141 (+ 442411 + 442420) + 73201 5Q81 05:52 Eastleigh - Wolverton one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven, 73201+ 73141+ 66711 0O85 12:58 Wolverton - Eastleigh (the 73 led, initially on diesel) one two
Thursday 24th June: 73136 + 73119 (+ 4TC) 5Y73 09:35 Eastleigh - Alton (for Mid-Hants Railway) one two three four five six seven eight nine; 66745 + 73966 73966 0E15 21:17 Eastleigh - Scunthorpe (73966 seen earlier in day, moved 0Z92 on Friday to Craigentinny, by 92010 which came down the ECML to collect it )
Friday 25th June:
Saturday 26th June:

442408 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 8th February.
442411 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 7th October.
 - they appear to be being extracted from Bournemouth in numerical order.

442423 has been delivered by road to Sim's at Newport. It had been sent to Wolverton, for ac conversion, on 5th March. Seen being given a push.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Class 397 'Nova 2' units at Scout Green, 14th June 2021

CAF 'Civity' Class 397, which made a first entry into traffic on 30th November 2019. What with Covid etc., my first visit to Scout Green since 2018.

397004 1S51 12:02 Preston - Glasgow Central.

397001 1S56 12:10 Manchester Airport - Edinburgh.

397011 1M87 12:04 Glasgow Central - Liverpool Lime Street.

397003 1M97 12:12 Edinburgh - Manchester Airport.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Southampton Maritime, 20th June 2021


66416 over the pit.

70004 The Coal Industry Society has been at Maritime since 26th May.

66555 and 66505.


08585 Vicky.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Eastleigh miscellany, 20th June 2021


701025, 701022, 701015 and 701018 at the airport sidings.

70815 and 66850 David Maidment OBE.

66850 David Maidment OBE.

66144, 66094 and 70815.

66846, with 66848 beond, and 66094.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Eastleigh Works, 20th June 2021

No external sign of 37407 or 57311.

50008 Thunderer, prepared for Hanson+Hall

142056 and 07007. A Class 317 coach and former FGW HST trailer appear to be under disposal in the Raxstar area.

317662 (final 317/6 arrival, 13th May), 319380, 319373 (which has carried a Royal Mail symbol for some weeks), and 317722, the demo refurbishment example, with ac traction, now for disposal (arrived 21st May).

43480 for Rail Adventure.

Works shunters 08507 and 08567.

LT 76297 of the 4TC set, which is staging on the way to the Watercress Line Diesel Gala.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Steam Dreams on Tour, 20th June 2021

A main tour from Paddington to Portsmouth and return, with a secondary tour from Portsmouth to Brockenhurst, reversing at Eastleigh on return. Light engine moves from and to Swanage to support, featuring Maunsell U 2-6-0 31806, believed to have been the first sighting of a Maunsell Mogul in these parts in 55 years.

31806 passes Maritime as 0Z31 08:30 Swanage - Eastleigh. Image by Ian Knight.

The same movement approaches Eastleigh.

LNER B1 61306 Mayflower arrived, and now with 31806 on the rear, 1Z29 08:19 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour departs from Eastleigh.

31806 leads 1Z31 13:45 Portsmouth & Southsea - Brockenhurst over the Redbridge causeway.

Not long later, passing through Totton. Image by Ian Knight.

61306 on the rear. Image by Ian Knight.

61306 lead the return 1Z32 16:00 Brockenhurst - Portsmouth & Southsea, passing through Totton.

The return light engine working for 31806, 0Z34 20:42 Eastleigh - Swanage, reversed at Romsey at 20:59, one day before the longest day of the year.

Further Flickr coverage from other photographers using keywords 31806 and 61306.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Two hours at Aberdour, 12th June 2021

43124 (+43144) 1A55 09:29 Edinburgh - Aberdeen.

800107 1E11 07:52 Aberdeen - London Kings Cross.

800102 1W02 07:08 Leeds - Aberdeen.

43137 (+ 43130) 1B18 09:04 Aberdeen - Edinburgh.

43145 (+ 43021) 1A71 11:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen

Two views of  800110 1E15 09:52 Aberdeen - London Kings Cross.