Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Eastleigh Works, 20th June 2021

No external sign of 37407 or 57311.

50008 Thunderer, prepared for Hanson+Hall

142056 and 07007. A Class 317 coach and former FGW HST trailer appear to be under disposal in the Raxstar area.

317662 (final 317/6 arrival, 13th May), 319380, 319373 (which has carried a Royal Mail symbol for some weeks), and 317722, the demo refurbishment example, with ac traction, now for disposal (arrived 21st May).

43480 for Rail Adventure.

Works shunters 08507 and 08567.

LT 76297 of the 4TC set, which is staging on the way to the Watercress Line Diesel Gala.