Saturday, 28 December 2019

23rd - 28th December 2019

59003 + 70805 pass Dunbridge with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh on 23rd December, sensibly avoiding an unnecessary light engine working (unlike the preceding week 😉). Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 23rd December: 66726 + 801215 5X98 07:43 Eastleigh - Acton one two three four five; 66104 5Zxx 11:11 Tyseley - Eastleigh ecs (two former Fife Circle coaches leading, moved earlier from Burton) one two
Tuesday 24th December:
Wednesday 25th December: 
Thursday 26th December:
Friday 27th December:
Saturday 28th December:

Elsewhere 60055 was relatively quickly restored to traffic, where it appears to have taken the box wagon which DCR were using to Long Marston for storage.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Class 70s at Eastleigh, 17th and 20th December 2019

70001 PowerHaul with 4O90 06:08 Leeds - Maritime approaching Eastleigh on Tuesday 17th. 70001 was recently returned to traffic, in mid-November. In the background 66848 is departing from the East Yard towards Hinksey with 6V27.

A rather closer image, showing clean bogies reflecting work for reinstatement. Earlier, at Basingstoke and Worting.

70805 arriving at Eastligh as a 0Zxx 10:00 Westbury - Eastleigh on 17th. In a sign of the idiocy of the modern railway, and consequent increase to carbon footprint, 59003 made the same journey, also light engine, some 6 minutes behind. Joined up thinking could even promote the concept of a 'train' for such instances.

70805 reversed in platform 2, and made a smoky departure.

On Friday 20th, 70007 arrives for a crew change with 4M61 13:00 Maritime - Trafford Park. A few moments earlier.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Azuma shunt at Eastleigh, 20th December 2019

801219, a LNER nine car electric Azuma, was moved from Eastleigh Works to the T&RSMD carriage sidings on the afternoon of Friday 20th. There is a single 'emergency' diesel engine in these units, which allows shunt manoeuvres to be accomplished.

PDTS 821219 leads the formation into platform 2 from the works.

The diesel engine sounded as it were under MS 822219.

TS 826219.

The Aberdeen destination is rather optimistic for an electric Class 801.

PDTRBF 829219.

The Azuma then proceeded to the carriage sidings.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Test Train at Romsey, 19th December 2019

67023 Stella + 67027 Charlotte 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury

6263 Generator van
977974 Track Inspection Coach 2 "TIC2"
72639 Plain Line Pattern Recognition vehicle "PLPR4"

In challenging light, 15 minutes before sunset and close to the Solstice, 67023 leads into Romsey.

A bright light at  the lower level of 977974, the track inspection coach.

The narrow beam of light can be noted close to the far bogie of the PLPR coach.

67027 on the rear.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

16th - 21st December 2019

Following the failure of 60055, 66086 continued to substitute as seen at Romsey on 19th December with 6Z91.

6Z91 was followed by 66598 + 66610 working 4O57 1329 Wentloog - Maritime, which is now rerouted through Bristol, Bath and Westbury.

66086 returned the entire consist of failed 60055 dead in tow and 18 JNA wagons to Willesden as 6Z18 1535 Southampton Up Yard - Willesden Dc Rail Sidings, on 20th December, seen passing Eastleigh. By Saturday morning 60055 was at Toton for repair attention, and the wagons appear to have proceeded to Chaddesden with 56091 + 56103.

Monday 16th December: 60055 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury one two, 6Z91 16:15 Westbury - Up Yard; 37057 3Q10 20:48 Derby - Eastleigh
Tuesday 17th December: 66741 + 801219 5X66 02:56 Acton - Eastleigh; 60055 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury one, 6Z91 17:05 Westbury - Up Yard one; 37057 3Q01 21:50 Eastleigh - Wimbledon - Reading - Woking - Eastleigh
Wednesday 18th December: 60055 failed at Up Yard,  66086 6Z90 11:00 Up Yard - Westbury one two, 6Z91 15:15 Westbury - Up Yard; 37057 3Q02 23:42 Eastleigh - Brighton - Eastleigh
Thursday 19th December: 66086 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury one, 6Z91 15:15 Westbury - Up Yard; 67023 + 67027 T+T 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury; 37057 3Q04 21:18 Eastleigh - Reading Triangle
Friday 20th December: 66086 + 60055 DIT 6Z18 15:35 Up Yard - Willesden; 37057 3Q40 23:23 Reading Triangle - Eastleigh
Saturday 21st December: 66726 + 801220 5X66 02:14 Acton - Eastleigh; 37057 3Qxx 22:34 Eastleigh - Hither Green

Eastleigh Works: 27Nov - 28Nov - 02Dec - 03Dec - 06Dec (62944 of 442405 undergoing component recovery)

47830 is outside the works at Eastleigh, but was not ready for its northbound path on Monday.

Friday, 20 December 2019

A Pacer is Preserved, 142001 delivered to the NRM

142001 was delivered to Locomotion, at Shildon, on 18th December, being removed from service after duties on 13th.

Yorkshire Post: The National Railway Museum's new Pacer has arrived - ironically earlier than expected

A short video at Darlington Bank Top and North Road.

In 17th October 2016 I took some pictures of this 1985 completed unit while it was working on the Cumbrian Coast.

On a working to Carlisle, 142001 (DMSL 55592 leading) is passing along the sea wall between Whitehaven and Parton.

The going away view (DMS 55542).

142001 is now approaching Parton, also heading towards Lowca. The Fletcher Jennings works where the Talyllyn No. 1 and 2 locomotives were built is somewhere close to where the tank is located, being led to by Foundry Road.

Returning from Carlisle, 142001 is paired with similarly first of class 153301, as the work between Workington and Harrington.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 17th December 2019

801215 appears ready to depart from the carriage sidings, this had arrived in Eastleigh on 11th December.

A side view of 801215.

37057 had arrived from Derby with a test train. This now has domino market lights, following damage to the retro blinds which were re-fitted at time of restoration in its preservation period.

99666 is a Structure Gauging Train Support coach, understood to be a 'runner' with no content inside, and only one access door. Originally Mk IIe FO W3250 built to Lot 30843 at Derby completed in December 1972. Converted to exhibition van 99666 from May 1996, then became a brake force runner for test trains from April 2008.

72630 is also a Structure Gauging Train Support coach, which works as a pair with 99666.

62384 is an Ultrasonic Test Train coach, taking this role from May 2012. Originally a 4-CIG MBSO which ran from July 1971 to April 2005, in unit 7396 later 1296, then 4-BIG 2258 and 4-CIG 1393. It then spent some time at the Great Central Railway until acquired for its current role.

DR 78821 is part of a Matisa P95 Track Renewal Machine (attached to DR 78801, 78811 and 78831), which normally works with DR 76751 a Ballast Transfer Machine, which is at Toton this week.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

60055 passes Romsey with 6Z90, 17th December 2019

Operating under the new timetable, but still with no SWR services at Romsey, 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury was held at Romsey for 30 minutes to allow passage of two preceding GWR service trains. The advantages for the photographer were improved light, and the train creeping up against a red signal.

A Wednesday attempt further up the line was thwarted by failure of the locomotive, which was eventually substituted for the day by 66086, hired in from DB Cargo at Eastleigh (under a warranty for the Super60 overhaul?)

The train approaches the station having crossed the Sun Arch.

A few yards further on.

Blue JNA wagon 81.70.5500.663-6.

Grey JNA wagon 81.70.5500.641-2.

On the rear was  JNA wagon 81.70.5500.665-1.

Saturday, 14 December 2019

9th - 14th December 2019

DR 98008, a Windhoff S&C Inspection Unit, was in transit from Brighton to Westbury, seen passing Eastleigh on Monday 9th. This was recently noted being towed from Scotland to Rugby for repairs, on Monday 18th November.

Monday 9th December: 802208 5X53 07:43 Eastleigh - Acton one two; 60055 6Z91 15:24 Westbury - Up Yard
Tuesday 10th December: 60055 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury one two, 6Z91 15:24 Westbury - Up Yard; 802216 + 802302 5X98 07:43 Eastleigh - Acton one two
Wednesday 11th December: 60055 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury, 6Z91 15:24 Westbury - Up Yard
Thursday 12th December: 60055 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Westbury, 6Z91 15:24 Westbury - Up Yard
Friday 13th December: 60055 - caancelled since the grabber at Up Yard understood to have broken one two; 800210 + 801217 5X98 07:43 Eastleigh - Acton one two three
Saturday 14th December:

The combined Flickr set of pictures for 60055 through the week. The working appears to be planned to resume again on Monday morning with the return of empties to Westbury.

70004 and 70016 are now in the process of reinstatement at Leeds Midland Road.

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 9th December 2019

08511 was one of two active shunters.

The other was 08460.

 66162 Maritime Intermodal Five passes with 4O44 MO 09:28 Didcot - Western Docks.

Class 66/6 is rarer in these parts, here 66622 proceeds in a line of locomotive moving from East Yard to Maritime after weekend duties. It appears to have spent the week on exam at Maritime, then back to Eastleigh on 13th, and onwards to Hoo Junction.

70015 was scheduled to pass rather than stop with 4O18 07:24 Lawley Street - Maritime.

Shortly after this picture was taken 70808 was dragged north in 6V27 to Hinksey, then was on Lindsey - Preston cycle on 10th, and on Wednesday morning 11th it made its Scottish debut on the Oxwellmains cement workings.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

A morning view of 6Z90, Romsey, 12th December 2019

Running about 14 minutes early, there being no SWR conflict on the Chandler's Ford line, and the GWR train which should precede it at Romsey was running late.

6Z90 07:49 Southampton Up Yard - Westbury.

Two pictures showing the 60055 Thomas Barnardo  heading through the station.

It was only about 2 minutes after sunrise time.

81 70 5500 655-2 is a newly delivered JNA wagon, arriving from AstraRail, significantly owned by Greenbrier, at Turnu Severin in Romania (this is the entrance). See page 5 of the VTG newsletter.

81 70 5500 657-8 was last in the formation.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Further workings by 60055, 10th and 11th December 2019

 60055 Thomas Barnardo passes Romsey with 6Z91 15:24 Westbury Down - Southampton Up Yard, Tuesday 10th December.

The empties pass Halterworth, 6Z90 07:49 Southampton Up Yard - Westbury Down, on the morning of Wednesday 11th. This is the side of the rake with graffiti.

Passing Romsey again with 6Z91 15:24 Westbury Down - Southampton Up Yard, Wednesday 11th December.

Freightliner Intermodal at Eastleigh, 5th December 2019

66953 4O05 07:19 Birch Coppice - Maritime.

66413 Lest We Forget approaches along platform 1 with 4M61 13:00 Maritime - Trafford Park.

While 66413 departs, 66501 approaches with 4O90 06:08 Leeds - Maritime.

 Six days into its return to traffic, 70011 runs towards Southampton with 4O49 09:22 Basford Hall - Maritime