Saturday, 28 December 2019

23rd - 28th December 2019

59003 + 70805 pass Dunbridge with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh on 23rd December, sensibly avoiding an unnecessary light engine working (unlike the preceding week 😉). Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 23rd December: 66726 + 801215 5X98 07:43 Eastleigh - Acton one two three four five; 66104 5Zxx 11:11 Tyseley - Eastleigh ecs (two former Fife Circle coaches leading, moved earlier from Burton) one two
Tuesday 24th December:
Wednesday 25th December: 
Thursday 26th December:
Friday 27th December:
Saturday 28th December:

Elsewhere 60055 was relatively quickly restored to traffic, where it appears to have taken the box wagon which DCR were using to Long Marston for storage.