66510 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street. The brake pipe (?) between the headlights may be unique to this locomotive.
66721 Harry Beck 6V41 14:48 Eastleigh - Westbury.
Information and pictures of motive power and rolling stock produced in the British Railways era
No particular news, but one wagon observed from the most recent group delivered to Merehead earlier in the month.
Romsey, 22nd November
Wednesday was not a good day. A Windhoff MPV operating RHTT 3S82 06:11 Totton Yard - Totton Yard struck a tree near East Grimsetad, about 06:42, while working towards Salisbury. There were no trains in the area for several hours, then limited in Salisbury - Romsey direction, including 0O41 Westbury - Eastleigh. A signal fault in the Fareham area interrupted services as well.
25 of the O&K JYA wagons were moved away from Westbury by 66952 as 7M36 to Basford Hall on Monday 14th, with 66957 powering onward 7E53 movement to Gascoigne Wood on Tuesday 15th. Steven Clements, a Flickr contributor, captured the entire train at departure (use left arrow), and the train was later seen passing Pontypool.
OKThis leaves 10 wagons, although 3 are in storage at Exeter. Most recently seen here only on Merehead workings to Chichester, and it seems unlikely that we will see boxes in Class 7 45 mph trains in future, although the nocturnal hopper workings to Eastleigh and Botley continue as such. For boxes, the focus moves on to the 1998 Marcroft JNAs.
Monday 14th November
66775 HMS Argyll leading 6V41 14:48 Eastleigh East Yard - Westbury Down T.C.
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Andrew Cameron camerar47@gmail.com