Saturday, 28 November 2020

Redbridge, including a Pig Drag, 27th November 2020

66525 crawls through the west end of Maritime, for a rolling departure as 4M65 13:46 to Lawley Street.

66570 had earlier arived with 4O14 04:59 Garston - Maritime, and shunted this west.

701006 running on test as 5Q51 11:25 Staines Up Loop - Staines Up Loop, which makes a stop at Redbridge for an ASDO excercise.

47813 Jack Frost + 442414 + 57312 ran as 5Q86 09:28 Wolverton - Bournemouth. 442414 was moved from Bournemouth to Wolverton on 5th June..

A closer view of the locomotive.


57312 on the rear of the formation.

23rd - 28th November 2020

166207 approaches Dunbridge from Lockerley, on 24th November.

DR98924 approaches Redbridge from the Test Valley line with 06:15 Totton Yard - Totton Yard.

Monday 23rd November: 57312 0L50 08:32 Eastleigh - Ilford one two, 57312 + 317655 + 317664 5Q86 13:59 Ilford - Eastleigh one; 313121 5Z31 19:50 Eastleigh - Ferme Park one; 73961 + 73963 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh one two; 37421 3Zxx 20:48 Derby - Eastleigh (arrived Tuesday) 
Tuesday 24th November: 60029 07:05 6Z92 Willesden - Eastleigh one, 6Z93 13:33 Eastleigh - Willesden one; 57312 0M57 09:10 Eastleigh - Derby one two three; 73961 + 73963 1Q52 10:37 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Fareham - Eastleigh - Woking - Lymington Pier -Eastleigh one two three four five; 37421 3Q01 22:11 Eastleigh - Wimbledon - Reading - Woking - Eastleigh one
Wednesday 25th November: 73961 + 73963 1Q53 1Q53 11:48 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard one two, 1Q53 18:04 Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh; 37421 3Q03 23:42 Eastleigh - Brighton - Eastleigh
Thursday 26th November: 73961 + 73963 1Q54 12:45 Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 43208 + 43239 0Z43 13:45 Eastleigh - Romsey - Salisbury - Westbury - Laira one two three four five six; 37421 3Q04 21:19 Eastleigh - Totton - Reading Triangle; LU 3122 removed from Eastleigh Works one
Friday 27th November: 47813 + 442414 + 57312 5Q86 09:28 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five six seven eight; 47813 + 57312 5Zxx 19:21 Bournemouth - Chaddesden; 37421 23:50 Reading Triangle - Bournemouth - Basingstoke (& then 3Z40 onward to Reading Triangle)
Saturday 28th November: 

43055 Blue Pullman outside at Eastleigh Works on 26th.

57305 has been finished in Rail Operations Group scheme at Eastleigh Works, similar to 57312.

59003 is reported as having collision damage at Doncaster Roberts Road, but is being returned to Eastleigh on Sat 28th behind 66770.

59005 has been laid aside at Leeds to free up bogies and wheelsets into a pool for a refurbishment programme. It was last used in traffic in mid-August.

70019 is the most recent of the class returned to traffic. Flickr for the week.

The bridge work at Patchway reached a stage where the Wentloog service returned to the Severn Tunnel and Westbury - Salisbury - Romsey route from the 23rd.

Isle of Wight testing for the Class 484 D stock one two three four. On Class 483 preservation.

Last Northern Pacer turn: BBC report - Twitter one two

Friday, 27 November 2020

Afternoon time at Dunbridge, 24th November 2020

Another Tuesday afternoon line-up, starting with 66606 working 7V16 11:56 Fareham - Whatley.

KEA wagon VTG 3243 in the formation.

66524 passing with 7V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley.

66555 running rather typically late with 4M65 13:46 Maritime - Lawley Street.

66763 Severn Valley Railway runs by with 6V41 14:48 Eastleigh - Westbury.
Retimed by one hour, this was 66568 with 7V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead.

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Pig Drag at Redbridge, 20th November 2020

37884 Cerpheus 5Q86 07:13 Wolverton Centre Sidings - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D with 442422, which had previouslybeen transferred Eastleigh - Wolverton on 21st May.

With 442422 running between barrier wagons, the train approaches Redbridge.

A closer view of the November 1963 completed locomotive.

DTS 77427 leads 442422 on its way back to Bournemouth.

MBS 62958     with new equipment cabinets underneath.

DTS 77403, followed by barrier 6338.

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Freight and Test Train at Dunbridge, 19th November 2020


66414 + 66606 7V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley. 66414 appeared to being returned to the quarries following a train rescue the previous day.

66719 METRO-LAND running as 0V40 14:05 Eastleigh - Westbury.

66534 OOCL Express 4M65 13:46 Maritime - Lawley Street, running 51 minutes late, but time was made up at Hatton Down Goods Loop and the train was 20 minutes early at destination.

The test train 1X23 1513 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury is typically the HST NMT or the Colas pair of Class 67s, but this time it was a pair of Class 37s. Train formation was 37099 + 96609 1256 999550 6261 + 37254, where the test coaches were the same as on 28th October.

37099 MERL EVANS 1947-2016 leads the train. The lights are for PLPR (Plain Line Pattern Recognition).

37254 Cardiff Canton on the rear.

59202 Alan Meddows Taylor MD Mendip Rail Limited returns with 7V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead. Some corrosion is apparent in the paintwork.

16th - 21st November 2020

158880 approaching Dunbridge from Dean, 18th November.

Monday 16th November: 59003 6E59 08:50 Eastleigh - Doncaster one two three four five (66719 went onto the Westbury - Eastleigh circuit); 66720 + 66791 0O01 10:40 Doncaster - Eastleigh one two three four
Tuesday 17th November: 57312 + 319373 5Q71 09:11 Eastleigh - Wembley one two three four five six seven eight nine, 66791 0M20 Eastleigh - Kineton one two
Wednesday 18th November: 60029 6Z60 06:30 Willesden - Eastleigh one, 6Z91 13:52 Eastleigh - Up Yard one; 57312 + 319373 5Q86.15:30 Wembley - Eastleigh
Thursday 19th November: 60029 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Eastleigh, 6Z91 13:52 Eastleigh - Up Yard one; 57312 0H91 09:12 Eastleigh - Northampton one two, 57312 + 319380 5Q89 14:25 Northampton - Eastleigh one two three four; 66791 0O45 07:33 Kineton - Eastleigh one two; 37099 + 37254 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury Flickr for the day
Friday 20th November: 60029 6Z90 07:49 Up Yard - Eastleigh, 6Z90 10:50 Eastleigh - Willesden one two; 37884 + 442422 5Q86 07:13 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two Flickr for the day, 37884 5O86 14:56 Bournemouth - Wembley; 66791 0F95 16:30 Eastleigh one - Leicester
Saturday 21st November:

Isle of Wight receives first 'new' train for Island Line

Friday, 20 November 2020

Dunbridge, 17th November 2020

66606 returning with 7V16 11:56 Fareham - Whatley. This locomotive had worked multiple Fareham trains in recent days.

KEA wagon VTG 3202, was the oldest wagon in the consist.

66619 Derek W. Johnson MBE returning with 7V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley. 

158886 approached the station and was passed by 66570 on 4M65 13:46 Maritime - Lawley Street.

59003 is away on holiday in Yorkshire. 66719 METRO-LAND ran as 0V40 14:05 Eastleigh - Westbury.

66540 Ruby was running 55 minutes early with 7V09 1341 Chichester - Merehead, having snuck an early path on the Botley line and then from Eastleigh to Romsey.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Redbridge, 12th November 2020

66505 brings the formation of what had arrived as 4O14 04:59 Garston - Maritime well forward through the headshunt.

57303 (which once ran as 47705, as seen in my student period) drags 442415 as 5Q86 10:29 Wolverton - Bournemouth. 

442415 first coach was DTC 77396.

The new power package can be seen under MBS 62951, which can be compared with its condition in 2016.

66507 was in use on a Maritime - Eastleigh - Maritime - Romsey - Maritime (and more) run which appeared to be for training or test purposes. It had arrived from Leeds on 4O31 on Wednesday, and was at Stoke Gifford by Friday morning.

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Locomotives at Eastleigh, 11th November 2020

66848 comes off the works,it later worked 6C17 to New Cross Gate.

66789 British Rail 1948 - 1997 heading north with 4M19 11:50 Western Docks - East Midlands Gateway.

66561 on the last leg of 4O14 04:59 Garston - Maritime.

66003 leading 4O39 09:43 Morris Cowley - Eastern Docks.

66206 followed shortly after on a retimed 4O43 06:10 Wakefield Europort  - Western Docks Berth 109.

70805 enters into the works, having arrived from Hinksey. It later joined 66848 in working 6C17.

70015 has returned, after a trip to Leeds on Friday 6th, to again spend time working 4M61 1300 Maritime - Trafford Park and 4O22 return.

9th - 14th November 2020

DR98964 approaching Dunbridge with 06:15 Totton Yard - Totton Yard, 10th November.

Monday 9th November: 60029 6Z90 07:24 Up Yard - Willesden one two three
Tuesday 10th November: 66778 + 701002 + 66717 6X23 07:57 Eastleigh - Worksop one two three & Flickr for the day
Wednesday 11th November: 43046 + 43055 5Z36 06:32 Crewe - Eastleigh one two & Flickr for the day; 47614 (47853) 5Z37 15:55 Crewe - Eastleigh one; 60055 + 50008 0Z60 09:30 Toton - Eastleigh (60055 failed at Milton Keynes)
Thursday 12th November: 57303 + 442415 5Q86 10:29 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two Flickr for the day, 57303 + 442403 5Qxx 18:00 Bournemouth - Eastleigh East Yard; 60029 + 50008 0Z60 12:20 Willesden - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day, 60029 0Z67 14:55 Eastleigh - Willesden
Friday 13th November: 57303 + 442403 5Q70 08:00 Eastleigh East Yard - Wolverton one two; 60029 6Z60 06:30 Willesden - Eastleigh one two, 6Z91 14:15 Eastleigh - Willesden one; 66709 + 317656 + 317661 5Q17 13:59 Ilford - Eastleigh (for scrap) one; 57312 + 319377 5Q86 12:45 Long Marston - Eastleigh one two three four
Saturday 14th November:

Covid set back attitudes to public transport by two decades, says RAC

Google's mobility report for Hampshire to 08Nov

At Patchway, the new bridge, which is the heaviest attempted move by this method in UK, is still not yet in position. "This is a highly complex engineering project. Weighing 4,260-tonnes, the new bridge was the heaviest lift of its kind ever undertaken in the UK and was not without risk. Our focus is on completing the work as quickly and as safely as possible. This is an ongoing situation and we anticipate it will take until at least Monday 23 November to resolve."

Under the current "lockdown", trainspotting at Eastleigh Station is being discouraged by the station staff.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 11th November 2020

Preparations for 5Z37 15:55 Eastleigh - Crewe, reported as formed 47614 (47853) + 10416 + 10411 + 11068.

08511 shunts the yards, as finishing touches are applied to 10416. Completed at BREL Derby as FO M11035 as part of Lot 30875 in 1975-76. Converted to Restaurant Buffet First 10228 in the 1984-87 period, then to Buffet Standard 10416 in 2015-16. It arrived at Eastleigh on 15th July.

47614 (47853) had arrived in the works on 30th October 2019, assigned for a heavy repair. It sports an Eastfield ED sticker and West Highland Terrier, reflecting its allocation with this number from May 1987 to December 1989.

47614 was later moved and attached to the coaches.

701006, which arrived 31st July, and recent 5th November arrival 701013 were in the airport sidings.