Thursday 16 July 2020

37521 with the LSL move, Eastleigh, 15th July 2020

37521 (D6817) 5Z36 07:14 Crewe HS - Eastleigh Works
with 43046 + 10416 + 43055.

The train creeps between the station and the Works.

43046 and 43055 left EMR service, and moved from Neville Hill to Crewe on 25th June

37521 is marked a D6817, its identity when new in March 1963, this being its first visit to this area for Locomotive Services. In 2013 it was a player in the Swanage Railway Diesel Gala.

43046 was new to traffic in March 1977, allocated into WR set 253023, but in the early 1980s this unit had been reformed and transferred to the ECML in 254040. At a time in the past it carried the name Royal Philharmonic.

Coach 10416 is not an HST trailer. Completed at BREL Derby as FO M11035 as part of Lot 30875 in 1975-76. Converted to Restaurant Buffet First 10228 in the 1984-87 period, then to Buffet Standard 10416 in 2015-16. It arrived at Eastleigh with no seats.

43055 was new to traffic in June 1977, allocated into WR set 253027, but in the early 1980s this unit had been reformed and transferred to the ECML in 254038. Most recently it carried the name The Sheffield Star 125 Years, having at a previous time been Sheffield Star.

A cab view of 43055.

The coupling bar had been hooked up on 43055 awaiting a shunt.