Monday, 30 May 2011

Keighley & Worth Valley - 28th May 2011

80002 approaches Ingrow West from Keighley
Seen at Oxenhope 56311 stayed over from the recent diesel gala and is booked to leave for GCR(N) on 31st May
Prototype EE 500hp D0226 at Haworth
79964 receives maintenance at Ingrow, with Bulleid S1469 at the completion of overhaul on the left.
Hudswell Clarke D2511 at Haworth
Class 108 M50928 is prepared for the first working of the day from Oxenhope.
80002 approaches Oakworth
80002 is seen at Oakworth after the last passenger arrival from Keighley

47s at Crewe and Cheddleton - 29th May 2011

47747, 47848, 47769, 47853, 47843, 67022 at Crewe on the morning of 29th May. The row on the left appears to be unmoved for a month or more. 

47524 in restoration at Cheddleton, Churnet Valley Railway

West Yorkshire Class 333s

The first of a sequence of pictures from a road trip. Sixteen West Yorkshire Class 333 were built in 2001by CAF with Siemens equipment, with additional cars added in 2002-3. These operate on lines from Leeds to Bradford Forster Square, Ilkley and Skipton.

 333005 arrives at Shipley with a Leeds - Bradford train, 26th May
333005 is seen again, this time at Ilkley on 27th May. The lines on the left were always terminal platforms, the car park on the right were the through platforms to the Yorkshire Dales. Compare with this 1956 picture from the collection of the Embsay & Bolton Abbey Railway.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

DRS stock moves, Eastleigh, 22nd May 2011

 47712 Pride of Carlisle + 47501 Craftsman arrive with 5Z20 09:30 Crewe - Eastleigh. Newly overhauled stock for DBS (Riviera) charter operations.
 47501 leads out of the carriage sidings with the Cruise Saver stock as 5Z51 Eastleigh - Eastern Docks
 47501 waits for the off from the depot and carriage sidings area. The driver has already made the signalpost phone call. 47501 was new 29th June 1966 as D1944.
 47712 is under power leaving Eastleigh
A closer view of 47712, new 1st August 1966 as D1948 and later named Lady Diana Spencer. Both locomotives were likely in build together at Brush.

Update on the Ashfield bridge on the A27

Romsey Advertiser:

Bridge work will close off main route into town

- the councillor's comments are inappropriate, the planning stage was gone through earlier in the year, and was covered in the press at that time.
- "It is important that the food, clothing, electronics and other consumer goods which arrive in Southampton in containers can make their onward journeys by rail at all times to stock shops around the country,” 
- yes, but these goods are imported, and while a good idea for Freightliner and the Port of Southampton, not such a good one for the economy, although some outbound containers will contain exports.
- and no coverage of what is to happen for the ordinary commuter - extra coaches on  the Romsey - Southampton routes, free parking at Romsey station for the duration?

Eastleigh, 22nd May 2011

 Former Freightliner 66575 + 66576 (de-named Hamburg Sud Advantage) + 66577 in store at Eastleigh Works
 67025 returns to Eastleigh with 5Z98 Wembley - Eastleigh, mainly former Anglia stock
67029 Royal Diamond on the rear

Saturday, 21 May 2011

16th - 21st May 2011

 37516 leads the return Swanage convoy at Millbrook, 17th May. 37503 + D9009 (55009) + 56301 + D1062. Image by Ian Knight.
 GBRf hire-in DRS 66432 Millbrook 17th May. Image by Ian Knight.
 Hire-in to Freightliner DRS (former Fastline) 66301 Millbrook 21st May. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 16th May: 66429 4O09 10:17 Trafford Park - Maritime 
Tuesday 17th May: 67005 5Z28 00:53 Eastleigh - Sheffield, 66429 4M19 00:58 Maritime - Daventry, 66429 4O50 20:15 Daventry - Maritime, 37516 0Z56 05:00 Southall - Swanage, 37516 + 37503 + D9009 (55009) + 56301 + D1062 0Z57 09:15 Swanage - Kidderminster 1 2 3 4, 66432 4Y19 12:15 Mountfield - Western.Docks, 4Y81 Western Docks  - Tonbridge 1 2
Wednesday 18th May: 66429 4M95 03:48 Maritime - Trafford Park, 67005 5O61 10:26 Wembley - Eastleigh
Thursday 19th May:
Friday 20th May: 73212 / 66578 / 73213 0Y68 09:30 Eastleigh - Tonbridge (66578 first move for GBRf), 67029 + 67025 5Z96 11:24 Eastleigh - Paddington
Saturday 21st May: 59002 + 59004 + 59005 + 59206 0N21- 09:10 Westbury - Eastleigh, 66303 4O02 11:11 Lawley St - Maritime 1 2

The excellent Carl Watson Eastleigh Works coverage has resumed. There is also an interesting Eastleigh Works Blog.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Northern Belle in the South - 14th May 2011

 47832 + 47712 with the Northern Belle, seen at Spaniards Lane south of Romsey
 Running about 7 minutes early, both locomotives under power
 Approaching Romsey on the return, slowed for signals running eight minutes early
Slowing for that signal, then onwards to Salisbury and Bath.

1Z48 13:22 Bath - Salisbury - Redbridge - Southampton - Eastleigh - Romsey - Salisbury - Bath

9th - 14th May 2011

70008 arrives at Millbrook with 4O14 06:33 Birch Coppice - Millbrook, Saturday 14th May. Higher height containers now on standard flats. 70008 and 70009 have been on the Southampton diagrams in the past week.
47810 + 47501 approach St Denys with the Cruise Saver Express, 9th May. Image by Ian Knight.
Debranded (Wrexham and Shropshire) DBS 67012 at Millbrook with 6O15 Western Docks to Eastleigh, 10th May. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 9th May: 47810 + 47501 1Z49 05:45 Glasgow - Eastern Docks, 5Z50 16:30 Eastern Docks - Eastleigh, 73205 + 73136 0Z73 09:30 Swanage - Eastleigh
Tuesday 10th May: 57601 0Z57 09:15 Swanage - Carnforth, 47810 + 47501 0Z20 10:23 Eastleigh - Crewe (501 failed at Oxford and working was CAPE'd)
Wednesday 11th May: 73107 + 73138 1Q85 06:08 Woking - Southampton DGL - UGL - Wimbledon - Hither Green
Thursday 12th May:
Friday 13th May: 70013 5Z93 08:30 Southall - Eastleigh, 5Z94 11:07 Eastleigh - Swanage, 66429 15:44 4O17 Lawley St - Maritime
Saturday 14th May: 66429 4M19 01:05 Maritime - Daventry, 45305 08:40 Waterloo - Swanage, 47832 + 47712 1Z48 13:22 Bath Spa - Bath Spa, 70013 16:25 Swanage - Waterloo

The Swanage Belle - 14th May 2011

Evoking 'cross-country' memories, 45305 departs from Southampton. Image by Ian Knight.
A few moments later at Millbrook.
70013 Oliver Cromwell with the return train approaching Southampton. Image by Ian Knight.
Pounding uphill at Shawford, a few minutes down on schedule.
70013 - powerful two-cylinder locomotive in action.
99348 was Pullman Parlour Second 348 built in 1961 by Metro-Cammell. Converted in 1969 to Open First (FO). After usage in Motorail traffic became a 'SLOA Pullman' from about 1980, and has passed through Flying Scotsman Railways ownership to West Coast. 

1Z94 08:40 Waterloo - Swanage, 1Z95 16:25 Swanage - Waterloo
Other images 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  YouTube 1 2 3

Four more from the Swanage Diesel and Beer Festival, 8th May 2011

 37503 heads away from Harman's Cross at Woodyhyde
 D1062 departs from Corfe in the late afternoon
 A close view of D6515 (33012) newly released from Eastleigh Works
Possibly the last day of 3-CIG running on the former Southern Region? 1498 at Corfe Castle.

Further Swanage galleries 1 2

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Swanage Diesel and Beer Festival, 8th May 2011

D1062 about to depart from Corfe Castle
D9009 (55009) Alycidon arrives at Swanage
Alycidon passes Woodyhythe
56301 at Corfe Castle
D1062 Western Courier arrives at Corfe Castle

Further Swanage galleries 1 2 3

Saturday, 7 May 2011

2nd - 7th May 2011

60040 The Territorial Army Centenerary passes Millbrook with 6V41 to Westbury on 4th May. Image by Ian Knight.
66575 + 66576 Hamburg Sud Advantage + 66577 pass Millbrook on their way to Eastleigh Works for storage. With current demand for 66 power from GBRf  it could be that these will be debranded and not stored for long. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 2nd May: 66575 + 66576 + 66577 OOS at Maritime
Tuesday 3rd May: 66537 + 66429 DIT 4O22 02:56 Trafford Park - Maritime, 66429 Maritime - Trafford Park
Wednesday 4th May: 66429 4O11 00:23 Basford Hall - Maritime, 4M55 08:55 Millbrook - Lawley St, 60040 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh, 6V41 14:45 Eastleigh - Westbury, 66575 + 66576 + 66577 0Z66 14:13 Maritime - Eastleigh (for storage) 1 2
Thursday 5th May: 33012 + 73136 + 73205 0Z73 09:34 Eastleigh - Bournemouth, 5Z73 12:15 Bournemouth - Swanage (with 1498 from Bournemouth) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 57601 + 56301 + 37503 + 55009 + D1062 0Z56  08:30 Kidderminster - Swanage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Friday 6th May:
Saturday 7th May: 67029 + 67019 1Z92 09:17 Victoria - Eastern Docks, 1Z93 17:30 Eastern Docks - Victoria

Swanage Gala early coverage 1 2

70008 with 4Z66 at Lee, 6th May

Class 70 workings (will stop this coverage soon as regular patterns are forming)

Tuesday 3rd May: 70001 4M68 14:50 Maritime - Birch Coppice, 70009 4M99 16:57 Maritime - Trafford Park
Wednesday 4th May: 70009 4O22 01.47 Trafford Park - Maritime, 4M99 16:57 Maritime - Trafford Park, 70001 4O14 07:00 Birch Coppice - Maritime, 4M68 14:50 Maritime - Birch Coppice
Thursday 5th May: 70009 4O22 01:47 Trafford Park - Maritime, 4M68 14:50 Maritime - Birch Coppice 1 270001 4O14 07.00 Birch Coppice - Maritime, 4M99 16:57 Maritime - Trafford Park
Friday 6th May: 70001 4O22 01:47 Trafford Park - Maritime,  4M28 09:34  Maritime - Basford Hall, 70009 4O14 07:00 Birch Coppice - Maritime, 70009 + 66568 4M68 14:50 Maritime - Birch Coppice, 70008 4O49 09:23 Crewe to Southampton,
Saturday 7th May: 70008 4B06 08:10 Maritime - Eastleigh, 0B06 08:45 Eastleigh - Maritime, 0Z66 10:00 Maritime - Basingstoke (from Eastleigh - pick up wagon at Basingstoke following break of coupler), 4Z66 12:25 Basingstoke - Melksham - Westbury - Maritime (ran ~90 mins early), 70009 4O11 00:26 Basford Hall - Maritime, 4M65 08:33 Maritime - Birch Coppice

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Swanage Convoy 0Z56 passes Dunbridge, 5th May 2011

57601 leads 0Z56 08:30 Kidderminster - Swanage past Dunbridge for the Swanage Railway Diesel Gala
57601 with headboard 'Arnold Lane MPD on Tour'. This has something to do with the Class 56 Group. 57601 is sitting out the gala.
56301. More details on the gala.
37503 of Harry Needle Railroad Company
D1062 Western Courier
D9009 and 37503
D1062 tails the convoy. 33035 had hot box problems and was left in Soho, Birmingham.