Saturday, 31 July 2021

26th - 31st July 2021

66089 comes out of East Yard with 4O21 09:15 Trafford Park-Western Docks, Eastleigh, 26th July.

66093 departs with 4E68 16:15 Western Docks - Wakefield Europort, Eastleigh, 26th July.

59103 Village of Mells passing Crampmoor on 30th with 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh, formed only of a short rake of O&K JHA wagons.

Monday 26th July: 50008 0M61 14:48 Eastleigh - Wembley one two three four five six seven; 66722 + 73128 + 442420 + 73107 5Q85 11:50 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five, 66722 + 73107 + 442422 + 442420 + 73128 5Q81 22:00 Bournemouth - overnight in Eastleigh East Yard - Wolverton one; 37884 0xxx 16:03 Wolverton - Winchester Baltic Siding, 37884 + 768001 5Q92 21:15 Winchester Baltic Siding - Eastleigh, 37884 0M17 22:45 Eastleigh - Wembley
Tuesday 27th July: 66722 + 73128 + 442420 + 73107 5Q85 11:50 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five, 66722 + 73107 + 442418 + 442420 + 73128 5Q81 22:00 Bournemouth - overnight in Eastleigh East Yard - Wolverton one two
Wednesday 28th July: 769930 5Q12 11:33 Reading - Eastleigh one two; 66722 + 73128 + 442420 + 73107 5Q85 12:30 Wolverton - Eastleigh East Yard one two, 5Q96 18:07 East Yard - Bournemouth one two, 66722 + 73107 + 442415 + 442420 + 73128 5Q81 22:00 Bournemouth - overnight in Eastleigh East Yard - Wolverton one two three four five six seven (and thus ended the Plastic Pigs on any working lines)
Thursday 29th July: 768001 was again timetabled to Basingstoke, but went into Baltic Siding at Wincehster and returned from there one; 43290 + 43299 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury
Friday 30th July: 37425 0Z42 10:01 Willesden Brent - Eastleigh one two three; 73107 + 73128 5Z73 Eastleigh Works - East Yard one (moving what is believed to be Mk 1 coach 1987 for the K&ESR)
Saturday 31st July: 47828 +47614 (47853) 1Z45 06:00 Chester - Weymouth one two three, 1Z47 16:37 Weymouth - Chester; 57601 + 47854 T+T 1Z49 07:55 Derby - Winchester one two three four five; 5Z50 13:44 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z51 16:48  Eastleigh - Winchester, 1Z51 17:10 Winchester - Derby

442415 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 12th November.
442418 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 18th August.
442422 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 20th November.

Northumbria Rail has announced their acquisition of 77382, the lead DTS of 442401, which had been kept to one side at Eastleigh Works.

Winfrith: occasional low-level waste resume traffic to recommence this autumn, expect worked by DRS.

50008 seen on Monday failed Fitness to Run on Friday before the tour, and was substituted by 50049.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Dunbridge, 27th July 2021

66621 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley.

66511 4M65 13:45 Maritime - Lawley Street.

59003 YEOMAN HIGHLANDER 6V40 14:05 Eastleigh - Westbury.

The consist was Kirow KRC1200UK crane DRK 81612, classified as ZOA, and match wagons. 

59103 Village of Mells 7V09 13:41 Chichester - Merehead.

66558 4O57 13:14 Wentloog - Maritime, formed of the 'KTA Liner' set.

66558 moves onwards, with GERS 97757 as the first KTA.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 26th July 2021

50008 Thunderer departed as 0M61 14:48 Eastleigh - Wembley, in advance of a tour working on Saturday 31st.

One of 50008's nameplates and crests.

Running forward through platform 3. 50008 was new in March 1968.

59003 YEOMAN HIGHLANDER had departed Westbury some 174 minutes late with 6O41, and arrived Eastleigh only 3 minutes up on the scheduled journey time.

08683 was working the yard. Delivered as D3850 from BR Horwich on 5th September 1959.

70016 worked early with 4M99 Maritime - Basford Hall, and was held for another passenger train to use platform 1.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

5-WES 'Plastic Pig' 442420 on the way to Bournemouth, Eastleigh, 26th July 2021

66722 + 73128 + 442420 + 73107 5Q85 11:50 Wolverton Centre Sidings - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D
 - unexpectedly recessed into Eastleigh East Yard for a couple of hours
 - proceeded later to Bournemouth, where 442422 was picked up and taken to Wolverton
 - two remaining trips to Bournemouth, after this one, before 442420 itself will be disposed of - the last should be on Wednesday 28th.

66722 Sir Edward Watkin was the train engine.

73128 OVS Bulleid CBE was the buffer coupler and brake translator.

DTC 77401 of 442420. The 3rd rail shoes have been removed, likely some while ago, for transit away from the Southern Region.

The coupling of the 73 and 442. A sight unlikely to be repeated after this week.

TS 71837 with MBS 62956 beyond. This MBS has an ex-REP traction package. The train worked no further forward into the station.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Eastleigh Works, 26th July 2021

A glimpse into the paint shop. I believe that the Midland Pullman additional coach may be 41183, with 142003 rubbed down.

This RU appears to be 1987, under repair for the Kent& East Sussex. (DB 975982).

50026 Indomitable and 73002

43465 for Hanson+Hall, and Arlington barrier 68504.

68504, 68501 and similar 68505. In the foreground, Touax KFA wagon TIPH 93470 has finished overhaul, this having arrived from Dollands Moor in December 2020 - not a Freightliner KFA.

Notes on the 'KTA Liner', Redbridge, 24th July 2021

No Wentloog cycle on Saturday 24th, so the rake of KTA pocket wagons was lying empty in the Maritime sidings, adjacent to Redbridge station.

19 KTA wagons in a row, starting from 97755 with a further three behind me.

The formation is still in the same order as two weeks ago, so seems to be fairly fixed. It reverses direction each time it operates to Wentloog, as the outbound is via Chandlers Ford, and the return direct to Redbridge.

97721 BS where BS - from store in Bristol.
97734 BS
97709 BS
97739 BS
97715 BS
97772 BS
97732 BS
97768 BS
97765 BS
97701 BS
97773 BS
97736 BS
97744 BS
97717 BS
97728 BS
608550 FSA
607126 FTA
607101 FTA
608540 FSA

GERS 97705.

GERS 97717 KTA

GERS 97728 KTA

GERS 97755 KTA.

Monday, 26 July 2021

'The Dorset Maiden' passing Redbridge, 24th July 2021

67006 Royal Sovereign + 67005 Queens's Messenger T+T 1Z92 07:09 Peterborough - Weymouth
6158 + 5998 + 1212 + 3340 + 3397 + 3304 + 1691 + 3333 + 3314 + 17105 - Riviera blue - grey set, normally kept at Burton.

67006 led through the station.

6158 is a Mk 2f TSO,built to Lot 30860 in 1973-74.

3340 is a Mk 2f FO built to Lot 30859 in 1973-74.

1691 is a Mk 1 RBR built to Lot 30628 by Pressed Steel in 1960-61.

Mk 2b Generator Couchette 17105 built to Lot 30790 in March 1969, when 2905 was the Royal Train pair of 2906, which is now 977969 in test train usage.

67005 on the rear.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Class 70s at Maritime, 24th July 2021

There is track work re-modelling taking place at Leeds Midland Road, and it seems possible that some Class 70s were worked south prior to this.

70015 (nearest), 70003, 70002, 70007 and 70019 (farthest) seen at 10:44 on Saturday morning.

70007 had arrived on 4O31 from Leeds on Thursday; 70019 on 4O95 from Leeds on Friday (with 66540). 70019 seen receiving attention to a headlight.

70003 had arrived on 4O17 from Lawley Street on Friday.

70015 had arrived on 4O31 from Leeds earlier in the day, working with 70020 which was not visible.

Saturday, 24 July 2021

19th - 24th July 2021


59201 pasing Romsey with 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh, 23rd July.

66525 with a late running 4O57 13:14 Wentloog - Maritime, formed with the 'KTA Liner' rake, Romsey, 23rd July.

66540 departing past Redbridge with 4V34 11:15 Maritime - Avonmouth West Wharf, 24th July.

67006 Royal Sovereign leads 'The Dorset Maiden' tour, passing Redbridge, 24th July. The 'KTA Liner' rake is parked in the yard at right.

Monday 19th July:
Tuesday 20th July:

Wednesday 21st July: 769930 5Q10 06:47 Reading - Southampton - Reading one two three, 5Q11 11:25 Reading - Southampton - Reading four five six seven - these runs were at Network Rail direction, for dc power testing; 484003 + 484002 Eastleigh - Fareham and return cycles one two
Thursday 22nd July: 
Friday 23rd July:
768001 5Qxx 09:52 Eastleigh - Basingstoke, 5Q86 10:42 Basingstoke - Eastleigh, 5Qxx 12:52 Eastleigh - Winchester - Basingstoke, failed and into Baltic Siding one two three four five; 484005 tbc + 484002 Eastleigh - Fareham and return cycles one two
Saturday 24th July: 67006 + 67005 1Z92 07:09 Peterborough - Weymouth one two three four, 1Z93 15:35 Weymouth - Peterborough one two three - first UK Railtours run since pandemic started    

The three remaining Class 442 units at Bournemouth are expected to be removed Mon 26th - Wed 28th, ECS coming down from Wolverton on Monday afternoon, and then departing Bournemouth at 22:00 each evening, with ovcrnight pauses in Eastleigh East Yard. Rinse and repeat. 

66769 went into Eastleigh Works about 13th July, and there is gossip about a special livery.

Network Rail and Highways England publish first phase of the Solent to the Midlands multimodal freight strategy - full document.

Monday, 19 July 2021

A Short Visit from 'Bahamas', Crampmoor, 18th July 2021

45596 Bahamas + 14060 5200 4940 9104 5236 5249 5237 1666 3098 3120
1Z53 14:15 Salisbury - Eastleigh - Southampton

Passing the foot crossing to the east of Crampmoor.

A few hundred yards on, heading towards Chandlers Ford. The locomotive was completed in January 1935 in Glasgow by the North British Locomotive Company. 

FO coaches 3098 (above) and 3120 (below) are in the Riviera fleet, which has not been active under Covid, and were moved from Eastleigh - Southall on loan from 17th June.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 17th July 2021


DR98914 + DR98964 worked from Eastleigh Works to Totton and back. Here seen on the outward leg, and no configured pods.

DR80302, a YZA Harsco Multi-purpose Stoneblower was moving in the yard, prior to departure to Bletchley.

70016 arrives for the driver change with 4M55 08:45 Maritime - Lawley Street.

No sign of 317722 in the scrap area, the farther coach appears to be 40707, that closer was not identifiable was RBF 10224 (originally FO 11062 of Lot 30878 delivered in 1976) which had previously been disposed of to ISSEE in Salisbury area - can be seen on the website - but was recorded as being in Locomotive Services's stock.