Saturday, 10 July 2021

5th - 10th July 2021


66723 Chinook passing Dunbridge as 0O31 17:30 Westbury - Eastleigh, 5th July.

73965 passing Redbridge with the test train, 5th July. Image by Ian Knight.

56081 assists the 73141 and 73201 with 442420, at Redbridge, 5th July. Image by Ian Knight.

Monday 5th July: 60163 + 57313 T+T 1Z63 08:45 Victoria - Bournemouth, 5Z64 12:54 Bournemouth - Swanage, 5Z65 16:20 Swanage - Bournemouth 1Z64 17:39 Bournemouth - Millbrook - Laverstock - Victoria Link for the day; 769943 5Q11 11:52 Reading - Eastleigh (for storage) one two three four five six; 56081 (rescue locomotive) + 73141 + 73201 (+ 442420) 5Q85 12:24 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five six seven, 56081 + 73201 (+ 442413 + 442420) + 73141 5Q81 22:00 Bournemouth - Eastleigh (terminated) one; 73961 + 73965 1Q51 11:15 Derby - Eastleigh - Weymouth - Eastleigh one two three; 66776 + 69002 0O69 11:00 Longport - Eastleigh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven
Tuesday 6th July: 73961 + 73965 1Q52 10:37 Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour - Littlehampton - Portsmouth Harbour - Totton Yard - Havant - Guildford - Havant - Fareham - Eastleigh - Winchester - Woking - Lymington Pier -Eastleigh; 56081 0Z56 1142 Eastleigh - Wembley; 57312 07:15 Wembley - Eastleigh, 57312 + 768001 (319010) 5Q99 12:12 Eastleigh - Wembley one two three four five six seven; 47727 + 701007 5Q10 06:48 Widnes - Eastleigh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven, 47727 0Z47 16:27 Eastleigh - Leicester; 37612 3Q01 23:38 Woking - Eastleigh
Wednesday 7th July: 66713 + 73201 (+ 442413 + 442420) + 73141 5Q81 0529 Eastleigh - Wolverton, 66713 (came off at Eastleigh) + 73141 (+ 442420) + 73201 5Q85 12:24 Wolverton - Bournemouth one two three four five six, 73201 (+ 442414 + 442420) + 73141 5Q81 22:00 Bournemouth - Eastleigh (- Wolverton); 73961 + 73965 1Q53 11:48 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard, 1Q53 18:04 Up Yard - Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh; 37612 3Q03 23:42 Eastleigh - Brighton - Eastleigh
Thursday 8th July: 66776  + 73201 (+ 442414 + 442420) + 73141 5Q81 (22:00 Wed, continued) (Bournemouth -) 05:29½ Eastleigh - Wolverton one two, after which the locos worked to Tonbridge; 73961 + 73965 1Q54 12:46 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one; 37612 3Q40 21:21 Eastleigh - Totton - Reading Triangle
Friday 9th July: 57312 + 768001 5Q86 14:13 Daventry - Eastleigh one two three, 57312 0M59 19:30 Eastleigh - Derby; 35015 + 47245 T+T 1Z54 17:40 Weymouth - Waterloo  Flickr for the day; 69002 and 66789 get together at the Works one two three
Saturday 10th July: 69002 + 66789 0Z69 07:53 Eastleigh - Waterloo (for naming of 69002 Bob Tiller CM&EEone two Flickr for the day; 73961 + 73965 1Q56 11:04 Tonbridge - Eastleigh (arr Sunday) one   

442413 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 14th December 2020
442414 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 27th November 2020
leaving 442415, 442418 and 442422 for collection from Bournemouth

Freightliner secures government funding for dual-fuel project - hydrogen and biogas capability for a Class 66

Isle of Wight railway £67m extension plans submitted - via the Sandown - Merstone Junction - Blackwater - Newport route, thus not conflicting with the steam railway. Currently a rather good cycle route, part of the Red Squirrel Trail.where most structures are intact, although there is a short deviation at Horringford.

59003 still waylaid, noted on Eastleigh Works, 66723 has worked the Eastleigh - Westbury cycle through the week.