701512. 701030. 701044. 701037. 701015 and 701014, 24th April.
Tuesday 26th April: 47830 0W47 10:14 Maritime - Didcot one two, 4Z47 12:22 Didcot - Maritime one two three
Wednesday 27th April: 66775 + 66734 (2nd, PB04) 0O01 10.05 Doncaster - Eastleigh East Yard one two three four five Flickr for the day; 67008 5Q66 20:17 Eastleigh - Romsey - Salisbury - Bristol East Depot (DVT 82200 leading - said to be to proceed to 120 mph testing on the GWML) one two three four
Thursday 28th April: 67008 (with DVT 82200) 5xxx 00:01 Reading - Eastleigh; 47830 0xxx 07:19 Eastleigh East Yard - Victoria (?); 0W48 10:06 Victoria - Maritime one; 66734 moved to the Works by 66763; 67008 5Q66 20:14 Eastleigh - Romsey - Salisbury - Bristol East Depot (DVT 82200 leading)
Friday 29th April: 67008 (with DVT 82200) 5xxx 00:01 Reading - Eastleigh; 69005 0Z69 1430 Eastleigh Works - East Yard; 47727 (+ 701031: 5Q10 08:05 Derby - Eastleigh one two, 0M10 17:29 Eastleigh - Leicester
Work is under way to repair and reinstate the Hamworthy branch.