Friday, 30 June 2023

SRPS Diesel Gala, 28th May 2023 Part 1: 37425

37425 Sir Robert McAlpine / Concrete Bob was delivered as D6992 from English Electric Vulcan Foundry on 5th July 1965. Renumbered as 37292 in February 1974. Entered Crewe Works for conversion to Class 37/4 in August 1985, and was on test in March - April 1986 after which it worked from Eastfield. EWS sold the locomotive on to DRS in 2011, when it received attention at Barrow Hill and it re-entered traffic in June 2012. Outshopped in January 2020 in the Regional Railways scheme after attention at Derby, but only returned to traffic in September 2020. At this time, 37425 is one of 6 active DRS Class 37/4's in the XHSO pool.

37425 prepares to come onto the train at Bo'ness, seen alongside 614209, now stripped of some key components for its hydrogen propulsion.

Moving forward to back onto the train.

Backing on to couple onto 37025.

Close, but not yet coupled off.

37425 + 37025 running through the Bo'ness town shore section of the railway.

37425 only played a single part on the Sunday, and here uncoupled at Manuel, to proceed onto the mainline connection and a return to Motherwell.

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Class 800 IET modifications, Eastleigh Works, 27th June 2023

Azuma 800113 arrived at Eastleigh on 1st March. The mechanical work appears concluded, with cosmetic completion pending. UPDATE: This train was returned to LNER on the 29th June.

PDTS 811113 of 800113. No numbers, following what appears to have been a repaint below the window line.

Stress alleviation modifications around the front upper yaw damper / anti-roll bar connection, with very fresh nuts and bolts.

This is the arrangement at the rear bogie of MS 812113. Two 'Post-It' like notes attached to the body.

The leading bogie of MS 812113. Two more "Post-It" notes.

The arrangement appears similar to the preceding bogie. Still to determine what is happening with the unpowered trailer cars.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Class 313 update, Eastleigh Works, 27th June 2023

 Having been only the previous day, rather more incremental changes. 

313219 had arrived some 90 minutes earlier, and was likely still coupled to 313213.

DMS 62530 of 313202 had been pushed closer to TS 71214. Limited remains of BDMS 62594 in the right distance.

313215, which arrived on 21st June.

Two 'Drag Queens' at Eastleigh, 26th and 27th June 2023


First was 37884 Cepheus on Monday 26th, with 5Q86 12:46 Wimbledon Park - Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D.

Cabside view while running through the station area on the Down Fast.

Class 455 5863 was the load, this unit was new in October 1983, and was heading to Bournemouth for a C4  overhaul - needed since the 701s have not been introduced.. DTS 77703 closest to the camera.

47727 Edinburgh Castle / Caisteal Dhùn Èideann 5Q86 12:35 Bournemouth T&R.S.M.D - Wimbledon Park, seen approaching Eastleigh, 27th June.

The loco was opened up, when closer to the Campbell Road Bridge.

701042 was being moved, reported as the last of these units at Bournemouth.

Monday, 26 June 2023

Eastleigh Works and T&RSMD, 26th June 2023

2991 Bruce (07007) is seen close to PDTS 811113 of 800113. Since first pictured outside the works last week, the yaw damper has been reaffixed to the modified mount, but there are no unit or carriage numbers, nor mid-body 'Azuma' flash.

This picture demonstrates the lack of 'Azuma' flash.

Disposal of Class 313 units has commenced, following a contract being signed between leasing company Beacon (owned by JP Morgan) and Raxstar. 313202, has been split, and its TS is next into the destruction zone, with one driving car closer to us, and the other, 62594,  where the fragmented remains are in the distance.

DMS 62544 of 313216, which arrived on 13th June.

313207 (also arrived 13th June) and 313220 (arrived 6th June), potentially unidentifiable after the numbers have been flame cut, but matched here by the damaged overhead electrification flash. and which appears ready to be next for cutting.  

313206, 313217, apparently the last of the original three dragged to Eastleigh, 313209 and others.

701011 and 701027 in the T&RSMD sidings.

On the North Yorkshire Moors, 23rd May 2023 part 3: Miscellaneous Diesels


31128 CHARYBDIS running around at Whitby. For details, please see the profile from 2022 Swanage Diesel Gala.

08495 at Grosmont. This loco was stored from Eastleigh in September 2013, and delivered to the NYMR in December 2014.

47077 / 47840 NORTH STAR appeared to be poorly, and has not yet worked during the current steam ban.

Class 04 D2207 was new as 11108 in February 1953 from Vulcan Foundry to the Drewry Car Co. design, first allocated to 30F Parkeston Quay. Sent to Crewe Works from Newton Heath in September 1966, and withdrawn in December 1967. Worked in industry from 1968 to 1973, then to the NYMR.

12139 REDCAR is a convenient identity for this Class 11 lookalike, built in 1949 at Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn's for ICI. This locomotive was on the Mid-Hants in 1982-83.

Sunday, 25 June 2023

69008 ex-Works at Eastleigh, 23rd June 2023


69008 0Y08 11:54 Eastleigh - Tonbridge, running from the Works into platform 3 at Eastleigh. Note the extra-jumper, which will allow a capability for emu drags. Image by Roger Homan.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

'Flying Scotsman', 17th and 21st June 2023

17th June: 60103 + 47802 T+T 1Z72 08:45 Victoria - Eastleigh - Portsmouth, 1Z73 16:06 Portsmouth Harbour - Havant - Redbridge - Laverstock - Victoria
21st June: 60103 + 47802 T+T 1Z54 17:03 Salisbury - Redbridge - Eastleigh - Paddington

60103 passing Redbridge on Saturday 17th. Image by Ian Knight.

60103 passing Maritime on Wednesday 21st. Image by Ian Knight.

47802 on the rear. Coach 3120, now in WCRC red, has recently been repainted from Riviera chocolate and cream. Image by Ian Knight.

A few moments later, approaching Southampton Central. Image by Roger Homan.

19th - 24th June 2023


73962 + 73964 with 1Z62 15:33 Exeter - Waterloo, passing Redbridge, 17th June. Image by Ian Knight.

66799 Modern Railways Diamond Jubilee + 66846 + 66747 passing St Denys, on 20th June, with 6O41 10:14 Westbury - Eastleigh. Image by Roger Homan.

66305 then passed with 4M19 11:50 Southampton W Docks (Gbrf) - East Mids Gateway Tml Gbrf. Image by Roger Homan.

66051 Maritime Intermodal Four later passed with 4O39 09:43 Morris Cowley M.A.T. - Southampton Eastern Docks. Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 19th June: 47727 (+ 701040) 5Q64 07:01 Eastleigh - Willesden, for onward working to MoD Bicester Flickr for the day
Tuesday 20th June: 37602 moved off the Works
Wednesday 21st June: 313215 + 313209 5Z03 0946 Hove Yard - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 60103 + 47802 T+T 1Z54 17:03 Salisbury - Redbridge - Eastleigh - Paddington Flickr for the day
Thursday 22nd June: 47749 (+ 701054) 5Q10 09:10 Derby - Eastleigh one two three four, 47749 0M10 17:48 Eastleigh - Wembley; 66705 + 66308 + 66307 4Z67 15:55 Eastleigh - Doncaster one two three four Flickr for the day; 66792 + 66309 0O01 10:05 Doncaster - Eastleigh one two Flickr for the day; 37602 by road northbound from Eastleigh for delivery to HNRC
Friday 23rd June: 69008 0Y08 11:54 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one two Flickr for the day
Saturday 24th June:

Western Docks
lines were re-opened on 20th June, with extensions in length to 775m  to accommodate longer trains.

800113 was noted at Eastleigh Works on 21st with the body modification, but the yaw damper was not yet reassembled.

Thursday, 22 June 2023

On the North Yorkshire Moors, 23rd May 2023 part 2: Derby Sulzer Type 2s

D7628 is a Class 25 with revised ventilation, completed by Beyer Peacock, Gorton, Manchester in August 1965, and first allocated to 41A Tinsley./Renumbered 25278 in January 1974 it was the Last Class 25 to receive a Classified Repair at Derby Locomotive Works, before being withdrawn from Crewe in March 1987. It went to Vic Berry's scrapyard at Leicester in July 1987, from where it was moved to Grosmont in January 1988 along with 25191, now at Buckfastleigh.

D7628 has just returned to traffic in 2023 following a series of repairs.

D7628 arrives at Whitby with the 12:00 from Pickering which it powered throughout.

Running around at Whitby.

Leaving Grosmont, with the 14:10 from Whitby to Pickering.

D5061 has been in storage at Grosmont since 2014, awaiting overhaul. New in January 1960 from Crewe Works to 31B March, renumbered 24061 in May 1974 and withdrawn from Crewe in August 1975. From there it was reprieved by the Research Department at Derby, and acquired the number RDB968007, later changed to 97201 and named EXPERIMENT. As such it was displayed at the Basingstoke Railfair in September 1987. Withdrawn in 1988, preservation status was entered in 1991, eventually arriving at the NYMR.

The tender of 44806 lies in from of 24032 under overhaul at Grosmont. New in July 1959 as D5032 from Crewe Works and allocated to 31B March, the locomotive was renumbered in March 1974 and withdrawn from Crewe in July 1976. Almost immediately sold for scrap to TJ Thomson of Stockton, and hired from there by the NYMR during the Summer of 1976 fire risk crisis  In 1982, after my visit there in May, it was named Helen Turner, after the daughter of a director of TJ Thomson. By 1986 it had run 100,000 miles on the NYMR. It last appears to have worked in 1999, and ownership was transferred to the NYMR in 2016.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Fife Miscellany, April 2023


43055 leads the "Lord of the Isles Pullman" 1Z21 12:52 Penrith North Lakes - Inverness (originated earlier from Paignton), passing Standing Stone Bridge at Dalgety, 2nd April.

66746 with the inaugural working of the Royal Scotsman for the 2023 season, charter 1Z79 11:18 Edinburgh - Elgin, approaching Dalgety Bay from Inverkeithing, 3rd April.

The following train was 1A81 11:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen, led by 43143, with 43034 at rear.

66746 operating an unusual charter itinerary, 1Z82 13:00 Boat of Garten - Gleneagles, passing Aberdour, 4th April.

43133 followed, with 1B88 16:04 Aberdeen - Edinburgh.

66746 on the first regular Royal Scotsman of 2023, 1H79 13:45 Edinburgh - Keith, passing Aberdour, 10th April.

43124 leads 1A89 16:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen at Standing Stone Bridge, Dalgety, 12th April.

66746 at the Burntisland Links returning the Royal Scotsman as 1H84 08:00 Dundee - Edinburgh, 14th April.

43147 passing dog walkers on the Links with 1A77 08:30 Edinburgh - Aberdeen.