Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Swanage Railway Diesel Gala Focus, 6th May 2022: 31128

31128 was delivered as D5546 in August 1959, and was re-engined with an English Electric 12SVT in August 1965. Later operated by Fragonset, named CHARYBDIS, when it worked for Wessex Trains, and now in the ownership of Nemesis Rail. It recently has been working on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

First noted in my book in the Fragonset period, it appears as late as May 2005.

Working south at Townsend Bridge, with 2C03 10:39 Corfe Castle - Swanage.

Returning later with 1R08 12:39 Swanage - River Frome Viaduct.