Monday, 2 May 2022

47727 makes a 701 delivery, Eastleigh, 29th April 2022

Actually, a re-delivery, as 701031 was first delivered on 7th May 2021. It entered Eastleigh Works on 12th July 2021, and was later seen in the line-up at the T&RSMD. A return to Derby started on 16th March, but the working was recessed at Woking.

47727 Edinburgh Castle / Caisteal Dhùn Èideann (BR Crewe, new 17th October 1964) runs through platform 3.

Note the bespoke coupler arrangement.

Coupler and pipes attached to 701031. There is translator equipment within the locomotive.

701031 is moved onward to the carriage sidings. 47727 later returned to Leicester.