73967 0Z17 09:47 Aberdeen Clayhills Car.M.D - Craigentinny T.&R.S.M.D, passing Aberdour,
24th December. (2 pictures)

73967 was formerly 73006 and before that 'JA' E6006, delivered new from Eastleigh Carriage Works on 17th November 1962. It spent some time in preservation, at both the Dean Forest and
Severn Valley Railways, and attended the 2009
Eastleigh Works Open Day.

73968 + 66302 0Z25 11:48 Craigentinny T.&R.S.M.D - Inverness approaching Dalgety Bay station, 27th December.

73968 was previously 73117 and 'JB'
E6023 delivered from English Electric Vulcan Foundry in March 1966.
66302 was delivered in 2008 and has worked for Fastline, DRS and, since October 2022, GBRf.

W.S. Sellar passing Aberdour, 27th December, as 0Z26 14:22 Craigentinny T.&R.S.M.D Aberdeen Clayhills Car.M.D

73970 was formerly 73103 delivered as 'JB'
E6009 in October 1965.

73966 worked south before NewYear, but the weather was dark and dismal. On 2nd January, 73967 0Z26 14:22 Craigentinny - Aberdeen Clayhills is seen passing Aberdour at 15:55. after a spell in the loop at Dalmeny.