Monday, 20 January 2025

Eastleigh, 19th January 2025


Hired from GBRf to Colas, 59003 YEOMAN HIGHLANDER had been released from the Works on Thursday 16th.

66792 has also been hired by Colas, seen with 70813 behind it.

66791, also hired by Colas from GBRf; 66107, no longer on a wheelskate, but no mention of it moving for repair; and 66137.

A closer view of 66791 with Colas diamond.

66137 was repainted in DB Red, for the second time, in November 2024.

153376, with track illumination on.

A rake of eight MXA wagons was in the sidings, which arrived the previous day as 6O24, where this is 950428. Scrapping of some MXA wagons is under way, as while the bodies are only a decade old, it is understood that the aged underframes are suffering corrosion.