Monday, 27 January 2025

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 23rd January 2025

66721 Harry Beck sat static, attached to some wagons.

66107 still not moving, although now without the wheelskate.

66701 drawing forward in the yard, with a CWR train.

Colas operated 66792 Collaboration arrived as 0O24 09:25 Hinksey - Eastleigh.

66143 brought in  6X22 10:43 Marchwood -Eastleigh, loaded with rails.

66103 4O43 04:28 Wakefield - Western Docks.

08511 made a lengthy shunt of some aging MXA wagons.

66090 Maritime Intermodal Six4O39 09:43 Cowley - Eastern Docks.