Saturday, 3 July 2021

28th June - 3rd July 2021


66952 passing Romsey with 4M58 09:14 Maritime - Garston, on 30th June.

The last wagon, on a relatively empty train, was KFA RLS 92625, built by Standard Wagon in 1985.

66144 with a diverted 4O42 17:27 Didcot - Western Docks, passing Dunbridge, 3rd July, following a rail break on the down main line near Micheldever.

Monday 28th June: 66744 (+ 313121) 5Q13 09:33 Eastleigh - Old Dalby one (running wrong track under SIMBIDS because of broken rail on the up linetwo three four five six
Tuesday 29th June: 
Wednesday 30th June: 47813
 0Z77 09:18 Southall - Basingstoke - Southampton - Weymouth - Yeovil Pen Mill - Castle Cary - Westbury, 0Z78 15:48 Westbury -Yeovil Pen Mill -/ Weymouth- Southampton / Basingstoke - Southall one
Thursday 1st July: 43290 + 43299 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury (earlier: one)
Friday 2nd July:
Saturday 3rd July: 35018 + 47245 T+T 1Z50 08:22 Victoria - Weymouth (delayed through broken rail on down line), 1Z52 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Victoria

59003 is at Eastleigh and last appears to have worked on Friday 18th.

Hello Indonesia! More than half of the traffic on this site has been with Indonesia for the past month, not yet determined why.