Monday 28 November 2022

Aggregates watching, week of 21st November 2022

No particular news, but one wagon observed from the most recent group delivered to Merehead earlier in the month.

Romsey, 22nd November

66604 working 6V62 13:21 Up Yard  - Whatley. The train was a mix of Marcroft 2000-01 and Greenbrier JNAs, 81.70.5932.482-9 and 487-8 as a blue pair.

66514 passing with 6V07 13:41 Chichester - Merehead. An all Greenbrier JNA rake with one exception.

Nearest blue wagon was 81.70.5932.604-8, my first noted from the 581-610 batch. which arrived at Merehead on 4th November.

1998 Marcroft JNA VTG 3408 was riding along at the rear.

Eastleigh, 23rd November

66570 6V62 1321 Up Yard - Whatley. a short all-Greenbrier JNA rake, the same two blue wagons as on the previous day.

Romsey, 24th November

66570 7V16 12:07 Fareham - Whatley. Ran as Class 7, but with no O&K JYA wagons.

There were 4 blue JNA wagons in what was mostly a Greenbrier rake, with the addition of this pair of Marcroft 1998 JNAs on the rear, VTG 3404 and (nearer) 3457, these being two of four recently noted as a group on Whatley trains.

66415 You are Never Alone, 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley. The formation was of both Greenbrier and Marcroft 2000-01 JNAs, 81.70.5932.482-9 and 487-8 being the same blue pair as on the two preceding days.