Saturday, 19 June 2021

14th - 19th June 2021


46100 Royal Scot passing Redbridge with 1Z44 on Wednesday 16th. Image by Roger Homan.

The return 1Z46 is seen at St Denys. Image by Ian Knight.

47593 Galloway Princess on the rear. This was previously 47790. Image by Ian Knight.

66793 working on the Mountfield, 16th June. Image by Roger Homan.

Monday 14th June: 66703 + 73119 (+ 442403 + 442409) + 73201 5Q81 04:22 Bournemouth - Wolverton one two three four five six seven, 66703 + 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 5Q85 11:30 Wolverton - Eastleigh one two three four five six; 73212 + 73213 + 69001 0Y69 14:35 Eastleigh - Tonbridge one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Tuesday 15th June: 37407 + 57311 0Z57 06:18 Kingmoor - Eastleigh one two three four five six seven eight nine (57311 to yield running gear to 57303 at Eastleigh Works) 
Wednesday 16th June: 484002 + 484003 on test one; 46100 + 47593 1Z44 06:12 Wolverhampton - steam from Bristol - Salisbury - Redbridge - Portsmouth, 5Z45 13:07 Portsmouth - Eastleigh, 5Z46 14:45 Eastleigh - Portsmouth one two, 1Z46 15:53 Portsmouth - Redbridge - Salisbury - steam to Bristol - Wolverhampton Flickr for the day; 73201 (+ LU 4-TC) 5O68 17:10 West Ruislip - Eastleigh one two three (movement prior to Mid-Hants Gala); 73966 in Eastleigh Yard one two; 442420 in Eastleigh Yard one
Thursday 17th June: 47245 0Z79 08:49 Southall - Eastleigh one two, 5Z79 13:37 Eastleigh - Southall one two three four five (+ two Riviera Mk 1 coaches); 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 + 66708  5W94 17:59 Eastleigh - Bournemouth one two, 66708 + 73119 (+ 442404 + 442420) + 73201 5Y97 21:30 Bournemouth - Eastleigh; 0Y95 17:23 Bournemouth - Eastleigh
Friday 18th June: 66708 + 73119 (+ 442404 + 442420) + 73201 5Q81 05:55 Eastleigh - Wolverton one two three four, 66708 + 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 5Q85 11:30 Wolverton - Eastleigh one two three; 73201 (+ 442420) + 73119 5W95 15:40 Eastleigh - Bournemouth (not sure if 66708 made this segment, the 73s are reported as back at Eastleigh now, outward recorded on RTT, but not recorded on the planned return path, no pictues found. Sunday 20th: 73s and the 5-WES are all in Eastleigh East Yard.)  
Saturday 19th June: 

442403 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 23rd February
442404 had returned from Wolverton with ac equipment on 5th March
442409 still dc equipment, was moved Eastleigh - Bournemouth 20th September 2019, having arrived at Eastleigh on 2nd August
442420 still dc equipment, moved  to Wolverton 28th May, now returned for barrier use for further moves

442408, 442411, 442413, 442414, 442415, 442418 and 442422, all ac equipment, are understood to await removal from Bournemouth. An unidentified set of coaches is reported as having started to flow by road from Wolverton to Sims, Newport.

66793 started working the Mountfield from Wednesday 16th one two Flickr for the week

GBRf updates
 - release of 69001 Mayflower
 - naming of 66764 Major John Poyntz

(1132) now at Brechin