Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Miscellany at Eastleigh, 23rd February 2024


66764 + 66750 T+T on the SITT train 3Y88 0930 Totton Yard - Totton Yard.

The first SITT wagon was YXA 99.70.9594.005-9, converted in 2011 from PERCH 979015.

66702 Blue Lightning was prepared to work 6V40 14:05 Eastleigh East Yard - Westbury Down T.C.

The first vehicle was Kirow 25 tonne crane DRK 81622, built in 2006, along with its runner VR 97409. The crane arrived at Eastleigh as part of 6X01, then was worked forward from Westbury to Cornwall, hauled by 59003.

A now rare YWA SALMON, DB 996627 (GR.Turner, Lot 3067, 1957-58), which recently has also been running with DRK 81622.