66089 with an STP working a 6Zxx 18;45 Southampton Up Yard - Wembley working retimed by about 4 hours, and proceeding directly from Wembley to Dowlow Briggs Sidings.
Notable are the new DB Ealnos MMA 60m³ red open box cars, recently delivered from Astra in Arad, Romania. 81 70 5500 093-6 appears to have been delivered around May this year. The earlier numbers in the same series, up to 073-8, are coded JNA and are in storage pending working for GBRf, with some explanation here and here.
81 70 5500 152-0 appears almost newly delivered - from what can be seen it only arrived in the past month.
81 70 5500 083-7 was the tenth wagon, delivered in the late April to early May period.