Saturday, 13 August 2022

Crampmoor snapshot, 10th August 2022


66610 returns with empties 7V16 1155 Fareham- Whatley. There were no O&K wagons, so unsure why restricted to 45 mph.

There were some new VTG JNA wagons in the consist, this is 81.70.5932.462-1

Similar 81.70.5932.470-4.

Next into the single line section was 73963 Janice leading the six-monthly 1Q22 11:01 Woking - Fawley (actually just Marchwood) - Woking.

The generator van was 6260 form BG 81450 then 92116, Lot 30400, Pressed Steel August 1958. 

The next coaches were test coaches 1256 and 999550.

Staff and Generator coach 977969.

73964 Jeanette on the rear.