Friday, 12 August 2022

Class 69 goings on at Eastleigh, 8th and 11th August 2022


69006 approaches Eastleigh as 0Z69 10:05 Longport - Eastleigh, on 11th.

The conversion has been made from 56128, completed at BREL Crewe in December 1983, and withdrawn in August 2005, after which it may have entered DCR inventory.

No pause at platform 3, and into the Works.

69005 Eastleigh + 69002 Bob Tiller CM&EE lead 4Y19 12:30 Mountfield Sidings (Gbrf) - Southampton W Docks (Gbrf), on 8th.

69002 leads on the return 6Y83 18:22 Southampton W Docks (Gbrf) - Tonbridge West Yard Gbrf.