Thursday, 25 August 2022

New Measurement Train at Millbrook, 25th August 2022

43274 + 975984 + 977994 + 977993 + 975814 + 977984 + 43299 1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury

Running slowly through Millbrook, the formation is led by 43274, in its unique EMR based scheme.

A closer view of 43274 (originally 43074, of December 1977).

977995, noted in recent -car formations, had been swapped out for 977984 Staff Coach (HST catering vehicle 40501, as a TRUK once part of 253001 from November 1976).

Returning from the loop, using the bidirectional line, 43299 (originally 43099 of August 1978) leads to Salisbury.