Saturday, 8 September 2018

Scotland in Change: Class 68s on the Fife Circle, August 2018

The "Fife Circle loco hauled" is anticipated to conclude with the December 2018 timetable change, following rolling stock cascades within Scotland. The last runs in the timetable would be on 7th December. The coaches would no longer be accessibility compliant one year later from January 2020.

This could be my last review here of these workings.

68007 passes Aberdour on 29th August with 5L70 18:24½ Cardenden - Mossend Down Yard.

68007 runs into Inverkeithing on 22nd August with 2K14 18:17 Glenrothes with Thornton - Edinburgh.

68006 on the same day at Inverkeithing with 5L70, which pauses in the up passenger loop just before Inverkeithing.

68007 at Manuel on 30th, with 5G13 1500½ Motherwell TMD (DRS) - Edinburgh, ecs for that evening's working of 2G13 17:09 Edinburgh t- Glenrothes with Thornton, then 2K14.

68003 at Aberdour on 31st, with 2K14, having displaced 68007.

9488 is Mk 2D BSO completed to Lot 30824 in June 1971. This was withdrawn from First Great Western Service in 2012, then was stored at Heaton for Grand Central, then at Barrow Hill, from where it was moved to Eastleigh for overhaul.The last Mk2D BSO in normal passenger service, in the ownership of DRS. Seen on 24th August.

5965 is a Mk 2F TSO built to Lot 30860 at BR Derby, entering traffic in June 1974. Owned by Riviera Trains, and prepared at Eastleigh in February - March 2015 for this ScotRail work.