Saturday, 8 September 2018

3rd - 8th September 2018

First time 800109 arriving at Eastleigh for attention at the T&RSMD, 4th September. This will become an LNER Azuma. Two images by Ian Knight.

47501 (D1944) CRAFTSMAN outside Eastleigh Works, 2nd September. The boarded up Mk2D BSO appears to be 9522.

Monday 3rd September: 67013 5O61 09:53 Wembley - Eastleigh one two three
Tuesday 4th September: 800109 5X70 10:03 North Pole IEP Depot - Eastleigh Trsmd one two three four five
Wednesday 5th September: 
Thursday 6th September: 60009 + 47760 1Y50 08:45 Victoria - Weymouth, 1W50 16:35 Weymouth - Southampton - Laverstock - Victoria (60009 for the day)
Friday 7th September: 180106 5E53 14:00 Eastleigh - Bounds Green one two three; 180102 5E84 18:08 Bounds Green - Eastleigh one two
Saturday 8th September: 50007 + 50049 1Z54 15:35 Weymouth - East Midlands Parkway (pictures for the day)