Saturday, 22 September 2018

17th - 22nd September 2018

Monday 17th September: 66091 5O61 09:53 Wembley - Eastleigh one
Tuesday 18th September: 66091 6Z25 11:02 Eastleigh - Llanwern (converted JSA wagons) one
Wednesday 19th September: 73961 + 73963 0Y68 Tonbridge - Eastleigh one two
Thursday 20th September: (73961 + 73963) + 66782 T+T 5Z10 05:06 Eastleigh - Victoria one to work 1Z10 to Port Talbot Sig 3462 (on line to Maesteg) one two three, 43013 + 43014 NMT 1X23 15:23 Salisbury - Redbridge - Southampton UGL - Redbridge - Salisbury (elsewhere on the day: one two three)
Friday 21st September:
Saturday 22nd September:
Sunday 23rd September: 60095 in GBRf colours 0Z60 14:54 Eastleigh Works - Doncaster Roberts Road (runs as required) - as of Saturday evening one commentator said "will not run". Did not run, paint job understood incomplete. I have heard Friday 28th from two sources in the rumour mill.

Eastleigh Works: 29Aug - 30 Aug - 31Aug

Timber workings proposal from Brockenhurst, replacing the earlier one for Totton. On Tuesday 18th 70806 ran 0F70 Eastleigh - Bournemouth - Eastleigh as a route training procedure. The proposed trains would be split and need to continue on in two workings from the yard at Brockenhurst to Bournemouth to run around before returning to Eastleigh. However there is a very recent indication that the plan may have been cancelled?

GBRf started a new flow from Southampton to iPort Rail at Doncaster, a facility which opened in February. 66752 ran the first 4E34 departing at 05:07 on Tuesday 18th with services on TThFO going forward. The corresponding working is 4O33 departing Doncaster at 18:10, arriving at Western Docks at 03:00. From the first week: one two three four five six

Freightliner have stored 70011, which was only returned to traffic about 24th August, seen here at Eastleigh on the 30th.

Rail Operations Group have returned 47815 to their active pool,  although it is yet to emerge from Eastleigh Works, while 47813 was stored at the same time.

ColasRail is to receive a new logo / identity, not yet reflected on their website, but is on Twitter.
No automatic alt text available.
"On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Colas Rail is adopting a new corporate visual identity. Colas Rail has opted for the Colas Group’s symbolic yellow diamond, a logo that reflects Colas Rail’s entry into a new period of growth."

With thanks for updates to Gregory Beecroft.