Saturday, 29 September 2018

London Underground wagons at Eastleigh Works, 28th September 2018

Through 2018, London Underground 'Turbot' wagons have been going through an overhaul programme at Arlington at Eastleigh Works. A small number of wagon bodies were disposed of locally earlier in the year, but the majority appear to be being repaired, and then returned to London.

60 of these 34 tonne 'Turbot' ballast wagons were prepared, and fitted with air brakes, at ABB Crewe in 1995 for London, taken from BR YCV stock already rebuilt at BREL sites from 1982-88, the underframes originating from bolster wagons built in 1961-62, these dates being on the bogie frame castings.

While the body of the wagon appears to have been shot-blasted, the '259' number is still on the frame.

Similarly, this is 287.

In September 2018, the programme appears to be continuing to the 'GP' (General Purpose) wagons, built by Procor in 1985. This is number 935, also noted have been 905, 924, 929 and 937.