Sunday 30 September 2018

Friday Evening Freight at Eastleigh: Mendip Rail / DB Cargo, 28th September 2018

This may be the last Friday opportunity for a while, as the evenings are steadily drawing in.

59002 creeps past with the late running 7O40 13:35 Merehead - Eastleigh. The train is seen earlier before Wilton and Salisbury.

OK 19312 is an outer JHA aggregate hopper, built by Orenstein & Koppel in Germany in 1989.

66162 leads 4V39 17:36 Eastern Docks - Morris Cowley. BMW plan to close Mini production for one month after a no-deal Brexit, which would interrupt trains.

66063 passes with 6O42 11:31 Halewood - Eastern Docks, loaded with Range Rover Evoque models.
One of which can be seen here, loaded on 4 vehicle Cartic Laadffoos IPA 23 87 4384 018-9.This French registered vehicle was built by SNAV in 1960 or 1982, then converted by SC Reva in Romania n 2007. JLR is already cutting UK production in advance of a Brexit.