66731 interhub GB leads 6O80 14:20 Eastleigh Trsmd - Dollands Moor (Gbrf).
The stock comes from Rail Adventure, whose specialisations include delivery moves. Following the locomotive was 33 80 4737 042-8 a Bogie Cargowaggon (Sfps or IGB) built by Waggon Union in Germany in 1979. This appears to be carrying ballast weights.
33 87 4908 749-4 is a Multifret Bogie Intermodal Twin Container Flat (Sffggmrrss or IFA) with owner marked as Touax, and confirmed on database.
87 80 2797 005-1 is modified at the far end for AT300 attachment. A Bogie Cargowaggon Van built by Waggonfabrik (?) in Germany in the 1977-80 period (Habfis or IWA). Part of the Rail Adventure fleet marked 'Heimat Bahnhof Puchheim' meaning that Puchheim, near Munich, is its allocated home location - but I see no yard there.
Detail of the linkage for AT300 cars, between 87 80 2797 005-1 & 87 80 2797 006-9 (Linke Hofmann Busch 1977-79)
Touax specifciation for type Sfps
Gingespotting for Sfps