Friday, 17 January 2020

NMT Test Train passing Romsey, 16th January 2020

1X23 15:13 Salisbury - Southampton UGL - Salisbury
  • 43014 The Railway Observer
  • 975984 Lecture Coach (formerly  Laboratory 15 "Argus" and later "Test Car 4", 10000 & 40000, originally prototype HST catering vehicle)
  • 977994 Track Recording Coach (HST TGS 44087)
  • 977993 Overhead Line Equipment Test Coach (HST TGS 44053)
  • 975814 Conference Coach (prototype HST TF coach 11000, later 41000)
  • 977995 Generator Coach (HST catering vehicle 40719, previously 40619)
  • 43013 Mark Carne CBE
In murky conditions, 43014 leads into Romsey.

 PLPR illumination line under 977993.

43013 on the rear of the formation.