It is 08:09 and sunrise greets 66509 with 4O18 03:42 Lawley Street - Maritime.
66516 arrives at 09:18 with 4M55 09:00 Maritime - Lawley Street.
Having waited for some time in the East Yard, 66777 Annette is away at 09:53 with 4O23 03:10 Trafford Park - Western Docks.
66112 arrives at 10:16 with 4M71 09:47 Western Docks - Birch Coppice.
DB colours and bright lights on 66082 departing at 10:54 with 4O43 03:59 Wakefield Europort - Western Docks.
66541 approaches at 11:26 with 4O05 07:15 Birch Coppice - Maritime.