Friday, 28 July 2023

69008 on a Class 701 drag, Eastleigh, 26th July 2023

This appears to have been the first week where 69008 was out to directly drag Class 360 and 701 emus

69008 arrives as 5Q47 0924 Marchwood Mod Gbrf - Wimbledon Park C.S.D., making a short stop in platform 1.

Detail of 69008. It deserves a name!

Detail of the special cable for brake translation, and the coupler, like that on the GBRf Class 47s. Not the blue tape patches on the Class 701.

701016 was dragged, having been delivered to Marchwood six months previously, on 26th January. Earlier 69008 had returned 701019 to Marchwood, it having been stored there on 25th January and moved to Wimbledon on 13th July. Will the same cycle be followed for all of the Marchwood units?