70003 calls at Eastleigh on 6th July, with the lesser seen 4S59 14:57 Maritime - Coatbridge, which stops, and is reconfigured, at Basford Hall.
Tuesday 4th July: 47749 0Z04 06:30 Leicester - Marchwood one two, 47749 (+ 701049) 5Q47 12:18 Marchwood - Wimbledon Park; 313210 + 313203 5Z03 09:46 Hove Yard -Eastleigh one two (only one further working next week); 73962 + 73964 1Q52 21:08 Woking - Eastleigh; 37175 3Q01 23:38 Woking - Eastleigh
Wednesday 5th July: 43046 + 43059 5Z62 06:22 Eastleigh - Southampton Airport Parkway, 1Z63 0645 Southampton Airport Parkway - Redbridge - Salisbury - Westbury - Blackbuirn - S&C - Carlisle, 1Z64 1659 Carlisle - Shap - Westbury - Salisbury - Redbridge - Southampton Airport Parkway Flickr for the day; 73962 + 73964 1Q53 12:00 Eastleigh - Up Yard - Wimbledon - Up Yard, 1Q53 18:05 Up Yard - Farnborough Wimbledon - Totton - Romsey - Eastleigh Flickr for the day; 67006 1Z30 09:45 Victoria - Winchester, 5Z31 12:15 Winchester - Eastleigh, 5Z32 16:52 Eastleigh - Winchester, 1Z32 17:13 Winchester - Victoria Flickr for the day; 56081 (+ 701024) + 47727 5Q12 12:08 Wembley - Eastleigh one two three four five Flickr for the day; 37175 3Q02 21:40 Eastleigh - Dorchester South - Fareham - Fratton - St Denys - Eastleigh
Thursday 6th July: 43046 + 43059 5Z65 00:29 Southampton Airport Parkway - Eastleigh, 5Z56 14:05 Eastleigh - Crewe one two; 73962 + 73964 1Q54 12:55 Eastleigh - Tonbridge; 47727 + 56081 5M13 17:26 Eastleigh - Leicester; one two three four; 37175 3Q04 21:39 Eastleigh - Totton - Basingstoke - Reading Traingle
Friday 7th July: 800209 5X94 12:00 Reading - Eastleigh one Flickr for the day; 37175 3Q40 23:53 Reading Triangle - Paddington - Reading - Southampton -Basingstoke - Salsibury - Westbury
Saturday 8th July: Hastings 1001 (led by 60119 marked '1013') 1Z70 06:51 Hastings - Weymouth one, 1Z72 15:38 Weymouth - Hastings
The remains of 08442 have been removed from Eastleigh T&RSMD to Tyseley.
47769 was sent last week to EMR at Kingsbury for disposal, seen here at Barrow Hill in June.

47769 Resolve at Maritime, 10th December 2006.
SWR ticket office closure "consultation" - a move clearly orchestrated from the DfT. Guardian letters 6th Julyl - Man in Seat 61