Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Notes at Eastleigh, 15th September 2023


66762 had 70803 + 66176 in tow on 6O41 10:14 Westbury -Eastleigh.

The wagon was of interest, DB 996215, a YKA 'Osprey'. With the arrival of the Wascosa flats, these older wagons have in many cases been stood down, although there are few indications so far of movements to scrapyards, which seem to be busy with ongoing disposals of MHA / MPA 'Coalfish', and OBA / OCA wagons. 996215 has been noted several times in the past month, on various workings from Eastleigh and Westbury. The wagon number and builder's plate are shown below, as affixed by Head Wrightson in 1954, as part of Lot 2534. 

701039, delivered 21st August, 5Q51 11:15 Waterloo - Staines Up Loop.

66181 heading4O39 09:43 Cowley - Eastern Docks. Image by Roger Homan.

66604 leading 6V62 1321 Up Yard - Whatley.

The vintage JNA on the rear of the train was VTG 3447.