Saturday, 9 September 2023

Class 313 disposal at Eastleigh Works, full status, 9th September 2023

The pictures are all from the street, but I was in Eastleigh Works with the Inter City Railway Society, and had the opportunity to be up close and personal with the 313s going through disposal.

313201 was on the stock list as 'private', rather than 'disposal'. The new owners seemed to be present and the units lights were being demonstrated, while off the 3rd rail; although it is marked, like the others, as 'degassed'.

313212 lies in a siding. 313201 is behind it, out of sight. 313215 can be seen to the left of 313212. 

  • The numbers of farthest 313217 have been flame-cut since Thursday, and this unit is next for scrapping, 62545 being closest to the scrapping area.
  • 313205 is the next further unit, sitting alongside 313206. nearer the camera. 313205 has been subject to some flame-cut activity, but 62533, furthest from the scrap area, still retains its cab-end number. While not in the same siding as 313217, it seems next to be ready for the chop.
  • 313206 has been pulled into position since Thursday and appears to be the next for preparation for scrapping.
  • The actual scrapping area still contains a cut-up bogie, various tangled saloon and body parts, and many many seats minus cushions
As noted above 313206 has been dragged to this position. 313208 + 62608 (of 313216) lie behind.

62600 of 313208, which lies in the same siding as 62608 (of 313216.

This covers all of the 313 units currently at Eastleigh Works, and these observations correlate with the ICRS stock list. If your Class 313/2 of interest is not listed, it has been cut-up.