200 new FEA-G wagons are in course of delivery from Astra Rail (Greenbrier) for GBRf usage. At platform level, these appear to be more or less identical to the Network Rail yellow FEA-W type. The ORR approval letter covers the range 81.70.4663-001-5 to 81.70.4663.200-3. The first 20 wagons arrived at Wembley on 19th November 2022.
Thursday, 26 January 2023
New FEA-G wagons in 4M19. Eastleigh, 25th January 2023
66730 Whitemoor runs through the station with 4M19 11:50 Western Docks - East Midlands Gateway.
Data panel on 81.70.4663.020-5.
The pair is made up with numerically adjacent 81.70.4663.019-7 FEA-G. This was the only pair in the train consist.