Reportedly grounded as of 01:00 Monday 30th, but apparently out of traffic from Friday 27th.
Multiple stories abound, like all rumours.
1. It appears that John Smith, MD of GBRf, rode 69002 on the Mountfield on Thursday 26th, where operational issues may have been identified.
2. A hairline crack may have been identified on 69004, in the engine, which may have endangered the crankshaft. In a Class 66, the engine is mounted to the frame, where the 69 is quite different. Information now refuted./
3. 69004 suffered bogie damage in a derailment, and awaits a trip to Longport for related repairs. However, the bogies are well understood Class 56 pattern. 69004 needed tyre turning after the derailment, and worked to Ashford for this under its own power.
All are at Tonbridge this morning, except 69005, which is at Doncaster Roberts Road, nominally for staff training.
WNXX has a quote ""GBRf are looking at quickest way to complete fleet mods and some cab improvements based on in service experience"" and says to expect all to move to Longport next week for work to commence.
Monday 30th update: