Monday, 23 January 2023

Aggregates Watching, 19th January 2023

The snapshot suggests that the box wagon situation is little changed from when last reviewed two months ago. Marcroft 1998 JNAs are still being used as single additional wagons, and Marcroft 2000-01 JNAs were also noted on a Fareham return working earlier in the week.

The newest wagon noted is still 81.70.5932.604-8, again noted this week - wagons delivered are up to 610-5.

The 81.70.5932.521 - 550 delivery of 19th August, seems under-represented, and could be utilised in other flows [update: several reported in East Usk - Machen Quarry traffic]. I have seen only 2, while noting 25 of the following 30 wagons.

All stored Mendip Rail wagons at Exeter are now reported to have been removed. 

66553 leads 6V62 13:21 Up Yard - Whatley, passing Romsey. The set was all Greenbrier JNA, with one exception, and loco and wagons were also on the same working on the previous day.

The exception was Marcroft 1998 JNA, VTG 3424.

66561 came along later with 6V07 13:41 Chichester - Merehead, with an all Greenbrier set of wagons.

JNA 81.70.5932.590-9 .

JNA 81.70.5932.586-7 .